My Birthday Buddy I’m not a mom yet, so I can honestly say that nothing brings me more joy than being an Auntie. My sweet nieces and nephews call me Aunt Guppy, and it’s my favorite title. I live for the times I get to spend with these precious kiddos. We have been waiting for […]
Brod and Pipe got to model Lazy One Christmas Jammies for me last month for a few commercial shoots. For some reason it took an extra amount of bribery to get them both happy within the same hour to successfully get these pictures. But once they were on the same page, they were so cute […]
Summer was filled with simple days and grand adventures. We spent many days at local parks, pools, splash pads, museums and hit up all the local events. But we also spent many days vacationing — taking trips to Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Bear Lake. Luke and I had work trips taking us all over the […]
I wish I could bottle this weekend up and relive it forever and ever. Beautiful, summer days and nights with my little family. Brody totally fought the hike when we pulled into the parking lot to start up to Bloomington Lake. He cried at the mere mention of the word. Luke had to carry him […]
Another month, another trip to Washington. I’m thinking we may need to get a second home here after all the times we’ve taken over my parent’s place this year. What a joy it is to be able to photograph friends and family in my home town. This year we’ve had 8 weddings in the PNW! […]
Seaside Oregon…where childhood dreams come true. At least they did for me. And my dad. And now my kids too. Three generations of traditions. Year after year we come and do the exact same things and it’s just as amazing as the time before. Some Seaside MUSTS: The Beach – Duh, right? Don’t expect to […]
This Kylee Ann Destination Sleepover was held in Wasilla, Alaska. Eleven girls cuddled up in Rachel’s grandma’s gorgeous wood cabin. Grandam Irene was so gracious to open the cabin. Last year I took the #kyleeanndestinationsleepover to my favorite place (the Oregon Coast). This year my goal was to see more of the world. Bringing 11 […]
Spring. When the grass starts to green up and the snow finally melts. JOY. So much happiness. The kids were sooo patient with me this spring as I needed extra naps and lots of rest. We still went on our kids adventures and took a big trip to Washington where we spent most of the […]
My friend, Heather, recently suggest to take my camera with me everyday. She has completed a daily project for several years now with her kids. This year she challenged her self to a joy project instead of the normal 365. When she sees something that makes her feel joy, she snaps a shot. I decided to give […]
This may be the longest post you ever see on the KAP blog, but it’s totally worth it because #Disneyland. It had been over 15 years since I had stepped into the magical land of Disney. Our siblings were all consistently going and somehow we always missed it. Finally, we decided the kids were at […]
TODAY my sassy girl turns TWO!!! The joy and entertainment this spunky girl has brought into our lives on a daily basis is something we could have never imagined or planned for. She pushes her limits (and mine) every day, but always keeps us laughing. We love her independence, sass and love of life. She […]
Oh my heart. Yesterday was a beautiful, perfect day. I woke up at 6:00, looked at my phone and saw texts from my sister keeping me up to date on the entire night. Labor started at 1. Contractions got consistently painful by 3. They left for the hospital at 5. AHH! Freaking out, I jumped […]