Bright Summery Bouquet Just wait until you see Tess’ blush ballgown wedding dress!!! Despite a little bit of rain, Tess and Ian had the perfect wedding day. Tess and Ian met last year in their student ward. They clicked right from the beginning. To see their adorable engagement photos and read their story, visit this blog here! I’m so […]
Washington Wedding Photographer | Seattle Temple Can you tell we’re a little bit stoked to be married?! All my dreams came true in one day & it’s been Four Years in the Making! Every one of those years has brought into our life more love, affection, appreciation and an abundance of blessings. Some of those […]
First Look in Seattle In the words of my Kylee Ann’s sister, the bride: “Yanni and I grew up in Olympia. Our first big date was in Seattle. In some of our pictures if you look across the sound, you can see Alki Beach where he asked me to be his girlfriend and four and […]
Jessie and Blake are married!! It’s been a long love story between them and celebrating their wedding with them felt like a brand new beginning for their cute family. A few years ago Jessie went to Park City for Sundance and met a cute boy who was there celebrating his birthday. That was Blake and […]