Three years ago I was just a small town photographer with big dreams. Big dreams that led me to WPPI. A huge photography conference in Las Vegas. At the time I was teaching a beginning photography class at BATC. Technically, I felt like I knew so much, but I wanted more. Community. At WPPI, I found my place in the photography world. The Shoot & Share Community. I went to every single one of their classes, hung out at the Shoot and Share Booth and bought everything they were selling. Then I came back home to little old Logan Utah and began to replicate that community. It changed my world. It changed our world.
Exactly two weeks ago I showed up at Showit United 2016 in Tempe, Arizona because “if you want to be a part of something, hang out there.” United is a relatively small photography conference with all my most favorite people. S&S Community…the Showiteers. Though the company split and now there are two different companies, all those favorite speakers from WPPI were going to be at this conference. I was freaking out. I’m not really the type to freak out about celebrities, but when it comes to my photography idols, I go a little crazy. Like baby gifts and local chocolates in gift bags, crazy. These people have made SUCH an impact on my life and business. I got to hang out with them. In real life. They will never know how much they’ve done for me, my business and my family.
United was everything I dreamed of and more. I had the best roomies, met amazing photographers from all over the nation, hung out with my favorite photog-bosses of all time and filled my soul. I came home with an entire notebook filled with ideas, but the things that impacted me the most were these THREE things…
Photographers, What We Do Matters – Mary Marantz
Not because of the followers we have on Instagram, but because we get to tell stories of ONCE IN A LIFETIME moments!!!
I’ve always had a passion for documenting life. The good and the bad. I thrive on taking photos my clients can look back on, share and inspire others with. I get a VIP pass to intimate moments at weddings, proposals, birth stories and even funerals. Stories of love, of hope, or mourning. Sometimes I get caught up on Instagram feeds and blog hits and forget that WHAT WE DO as storytellers is what matters.
Our Take Home: We defined our mission. EVERY session has a story. And we will find it.
At Kylee Ann Studios, we are more than just photographers. We are storytellers sharing meaningful, emotional and beautiful once in a lifetime moments for generations to come. We specialize in capturing real life with a natural posing style and true bright, creamy colors.
You Can Do ANYTHING, but not everything. – Mary Marantz
Duh. How many times do I have to hear this AND teach this before it sticks? In the last few years, I’ve really started outsourcing as much as I can. From babysitters when I work, occasional house cleaning, assistant editors, studio manager systems, etc. BUT unfortunately, my brain never turns off and there’s always another idea on the horizon.
After United, I realized I need to let go of even more. I was turned on to the idea of becoming an Essentialist. A person that does less, better. A person that focuses on what matters most to them, and lets go of the things that aren’t essential.
Our Take Home: We hired a Communications Intern! And we love her already. You’ll get to know her soon too.
Develop Your Vision + Live Into It – Katelyn James
It hit me smack in the face. WHY?! Why am I doing this? Why am I a photographer? Why do I teach other photographers? What do I want out of my life? For myself? For my kids? For my family? WHY WHY WHY! Surely the late nights and days away from my children must be worth it right?
It’s time for me to stop chasing Instagram followers and bride inquiries + START chasing my vision instead. I am home from the United conference with a list of ideas ten miles long, but only one goal: PURPOSE. By building on the foundation KAP already has. With purpose in every photo, every email, every post. By sharing our mission of service, kindness and light in everything we do and everything that we are. By putting my family first, always. Living my dream of being a present mother, available for PTA and volunteering on school fieldtrips. The mom that has snacks on the table when the kids come home from school. And mostly by being enough exactly how I am. I will not conform. I am content. I am me. And that is enough. We are all enough.
My Vision:
- As a wife and mother: Presence
- As a photographer: Finding Stories
- As a teacher: Speak at United + Bring 50 KA Community member with me… WHHHAT ;) Let’s do it guys! (If you’re with me, comment below!)
pc: Haizel Creations
Somehow United changed EVERYTHING, but also nothing at all. Kylee Ann Photography was the beginning for me. It was five years full of service, kindness and storytelling. Kylee Ann Studios has the same core values, but I’m no longer a one woman show and I want that to be clear. We are a team. We want Kylee Ann Studios to be a place for brides, for photographers, for families & for community. More purpose in what we do for ourselves, our brides and our families. Because what we do matters.
So if you believe in our purpose and our vision, join us + follow along!

Kylee Ann Maughan is a family and international brand photographer based in small-town Northern Utah. She has been a business owner for 13.5 years, and also runs a successful and award-winning associate team. Kylee hosts semi-annual retreats, speaks at conferences and teaches online courses about running a small business and marketing. Her niche in coaching is helping moms turn their passion into profit, while being the mom they dream of.
November 21, 2016
Kylee Maughan