Kylee Ann

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Taylor | Utah Birth Photographer

Luke’s alarm went off at 6:15 and he hit snooze. A few minute later there was this constant buzzing and I kept nudging Luke to turn off his second alarm. Then I realized it was my phone and sprung right out of bed and called Matt back. It was baby time!!! They had been at the hospital for over 3 hours and in labor for 5. I called Barbi who has been Brody’s second mom lately and woke Luke up. We quickly got Brody dressed, packed up and got ourselves dressed to drop of B and hit the road. I was in a panic to get to the hospital since it was a little over 2 hours away and births are so unpredictable. I made it with a few hours to spare. It was so fun to sit and visit with my cousins for a bit. We used to be best best friends growing up and I’ve missed that connection as we all have grown up and moved around. Now our kiddos are going to be BFFs.

Steph went from a six from just after I got there to a ten within an hour. They let her rest for an hour to let baby Taylor descend on his own. Stephanie was in great spirits just smiling and joking with everyone and Matthew was great at keeping everyone informed, educated and laughing. They even had two visitors (brother and best friend) come in while she was in labor! About 30 minutes into her rest, Steph started feeling super nauseous, which was a common theme throughout her pregnancy. She threw up three times and each time baby Taylor dropped a station. They told her if she kept puking she wouldn’t have to push as much, but she opted for zofran instead. ;) She started pushing just after 12:10, but had to stop a few times to make sure the doctor could be there to catch him. From the time the doctor came to delivery, it was around 5 minutes of pushing. Baby Taylor made his appearance at 12:28 am and in that moment all three Wood’s had tears streaming down their faces. It was the most perfect site to see these two become mom and dad in a split second. I’m so so happy for this little family and so beyond honored to have been their to capture these moments…

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Taylor || Utah Birth Photographer

March 19, 2014

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS