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I kill plants. Every plant that comes into my house dies. Its a sad reality. But hey, I found a solution. A few years ago my sister bought me my first fake plant. I thought it was weird at first, but after a week of having a beautiful plant that didn’t die, I was hooked […]

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It was a week after Rowen was born when I had my first bout of baby blues. The uncontrollable crying for no reason, irritability, lack of motivation and anxiety. I tried to hold it in…and keep it to myself, but by the end of the day I was just a wreck. One day of baby […]

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Rowen Bruce Maughan So many friends and family surrounded our sweet boy on his blessing day. Walking into the full room was a sight that left a lump in my throat. This little man is already so loved by so many. We are just so grateful for such supportive friends and family that gave up […]

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Me: So kids what was your favorite part of Christmas? Brody: My favorite part was the part that Grandma brought….family. We were so blessed to share our Christmas weekend with family. My parents, Brooklyn, Adam and Em came to town to meet Rowen, celebrate Christmas and bless our sweet little man. Our entire family was together […]

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Brod and Pipe got to model Lazy One Christmas Jammies for me last month for a few commercial shoots. For some reason it took an extra amount of bribery to get them both happy within the same hour to successfully get these pictures. But once they were on the same page, they were so cute […]

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I’m one of those weirdos that actually LOVES being in the hospital. Seriously, I missed it the second I got home, and wanted to go back. I love having one-on-one time with my newest little babe. I love being able to lay in bed all day with a nakey baby on my chest and not […]

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Rowen Bruce Maughan was born on November 26th at 11:53pm. It was a Sunday afternoon. I was sitting on the couch watching a cheesy Hallmark when labor(?) started. My contractions didn’t hurt but they lasted a minute and came every 3-5. I started timing them. Three hours later they were still consistent and uncomfortable so […]

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A few weeks ago Photo Native announced that they were adding on a business course to their photography conference. PN already has a handful of amazing speakers talking about the basics of business, marketing and branding, but they wanted a class that took it to the next level. They opened up applications at the beginning […]

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I’m one of those crazy people that starts packing for vacations at least four weeks ahead of time. My hospital bag is the same. When I posted in October that I was packing for my hospital stay, I got so many questions from soon-to-be mommas wondering what I packed. It’s hard to know because Pinterest […]

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I am always searching for ways to bring more Christ into Christmas. We sing Christmas hymns all through December, attend our church meetings and do the straw for the manger tradition each year. But this year I was searching for something that my kids could open on Christmas morning. I LOVE to shop and wrap […]

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Ah it’s almost here! Maternity leave! The best part about working for yourself is being in complete control of your maternity leave and time off. The worst part of working for yourself is trying to turn work off. Haha! It’s hard when work is your life, and always on your mind. This is my THIRD […]

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Part 6: Happily Ever After | March 12, 2011  The night before my wedding, I started getting sick. My throat started hurting and swelling, my head started pounding and my body was aching. Luke had been sick for a few weeks and so had Brooklyn. I took ibuprofen, tylenol, this other medicine stuff, vitamins, 2 […]