Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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141. Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business

  1. Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business

Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business


The biggest obstacle I’ve seen holding back small business owners is staying within their comfort zone and sticking to what they already know works.

But guess what? The sky’s the limit, my friend! There are countless ways to grow, make money, and learn. And you know what they say – you only know what you know!


Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business


If you’ve been keeping to the same town, the same mentors, and the same examples, you’re putting a cap on your own potential. Take it from me, 13 years ago, when I was just a little 18-year-old Kylee with big dreams.

Back then, I aspired to be the go-to photographer for church gym weddings because that was the most successful photographer I knew. My goals were limited to what other small-town photographers were doing, until I broke free from the constraints of my small community.

It all changed when I attended my very first conference in Las Vegas. Let me tell you, I was blown away by what photographers from all over the world were achieving. It was like a whole new world opened up before my eyes.

I started investing in online conferences and saw how these photographers were running successful businesses beyond my wildest imagination. And you know what happened? My brain LITERALLY changed.

Here’s the beauty of it all – as you continue to learn, practice, and put yourself in new environments, your brain undergoes a magical process known as neuroplasticity. In simple terms, it means your brain can adapt, learn, and form new connections throughout your life. Pretty amazing, right?

Fast forward a few years, and I didn’t just learn – I GREW. I traveled coast to coast, capturing extravagant weddings before retiring to my backyard studio, where I now work with brands that are on Shark Tank, Target, West Elm, and Nordstrom. My business went from barely scraping by with 10-20k a year to bringing in half a million dollars annually.

So, how can YOU go from mompreneur to CEO? Let me share some pearls of wisdom:

  • Immerse yourself in podcasts that inspire and educate.
  • Get lost in books that ignite your entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Seek guidance from coaches who can push you towards success.
  • Invest in courses that expand your skills and knowledge.
  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals at conferences, retreats, and networking events.


Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business


Now, here’s one more piece of advice – don’t take guidance from well-meaning family and friends who don’t understand your industry or share your vision.

Remember when a family member told me that no one would pay more than $100 for a photoshoot? They couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s time to silence the voices of doubt and set your own standards.

Your family and friends mean well, but they may not understand your industry or its full potential. It’s time to leave their opinions behind and pave your own path.


Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business


Trust in your own abilities and seek guidance from those who truly get it.

Your success knows no bounds. Break free from your comfort zone, embrace new opportunities, and watch your business soar to incredible heights. You’ve got this!


Small Town Mindset to Half Million Dollar Business


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July 25, 2024


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