Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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144. Branding In A Day With Breck & Co

  1. Branding In A Day With Breck & Co #CEOMOMCLUB

Branding In A Day


I am so excited that we are here on the podcast today with my Instagram friend, Brecklee! Brecklee is the Founder of Breck & Co, and I’m excited to have her chat with us!

Breck started her education as an Elementary School teacher, and felt a pull to look into a change – Communication! She made the switch, finished up her degree so quick, and got an internship with a social media marketing company.  Brecklee is a big believer that every brand has its own story to tell.  When Covid hit, she was sent to work at home and decided to start her own business in social media management. Within 6 months of starting her social media management business, she replaced her full time income and soon found out that she was pregnant with her first baby! She had an incredible income, was home for her baby, and eventually scaled back a little bit.  Breck fine tuned her business model and created “Branding In A Day”!


Branding In A Day


Breck creates branding for entrepreneurs, influencers, small shop owners, and creators, who just can’t wait to elevate their businesses and brand. She brings your vision to life in just a day and create momentum in your business that helps propel you to growth and increased profits.  Think of her as your business branding bestie!


Branding In A Day


For some people, branding may have never been a “step” in our DIY start-up business.  Branding is so much more than your colors, fonts, and logos.  You need consistency in all of these things to build a recognizable brand. You want someone to recognize your brand before they even read who posted it! Remember, though – YOU are also your brand!

In Brecklee’s Branding In A Day you get 3-5 logos, a mood board, custom typography, color pallet, and she has an upgrade for 15 custom social media templates!


Branding In A Day


In my commercial photography business, I work with brands (mostly product brands) every single day.  When brands send me a brand guide, it makes it so much easier for me to do my job as their photographer! That’s what’s so wonderful about Breck and her work with brands!

A lot of us are ready to take action, and we want to take action now.  Brecklee’s business model is incredible because she can help you take that branding action now.  She’s helping brands succeed and propel their business forward without that’s long, annoying timelines that we’ve since in this industry prior to Breck & Co!

Brecklee is a mom to a busy 2 year old, and a boss mama! She’s home with her babe, works only a few days of the week, gets to go to her brothers sports games, travels, and feels no guilt about living her dream life! We are so excited about her success, and can’t wait to see what else she does!


Are you needing some help with your branding?

Find Brecklee and her Branding In A Day HERE!

Get Breck’s Free Captions and Graphics Guide


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July 25, 2024


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