One of the scary monsters of the photography industry is the idea of burnout. We all work in a creative field where we get to use art to make money all day long. We get to choose our own schedules and be our own boss… shouldn’t we be flying on unicorns in the clouds at all times? Unfortunately, there are several factors of being a creative entrepreneur that makes it sometimes hard to remember the passion and inspiration that got us into the business at first. Here are some ways we battle burn out at the end of those busy seasons.
Plan vacations & breaks at the beginning of the year for you to look forward to.
It is essential to schedule breaks into your year so that you have something to work towards. Be realistic with the scale of your vacation, and the price so it doesn’t become a burden, but a blessing to you and your family. Plan out your year and think of family reunions, school trips, and conferences ahead of time so you can block time off! DO NOT RESCHEDULE THEM- they are cemented into your schedule.
Good music
If you aren’t motivated to work today, then don’t. Make a playlist instead. Then the next day you will be pumped to listen to that playlist and get work done! Its a great way to breathe new air into your routine.
Join a network of creatives in your area. Do collaborations or bounce business ideas off of a group. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely and surrounding yourself with like minded people is essential to battle burnout.
Pair the LIKES and the DISLIKES.
I once heard a story that has stuck with me about how to do things that aren’t pleasurable, but necessary.
This lady loved to get dressed up with fancy gowns, earrings, shoes, and makeup. She would choose one day a month that she would get all done up, walk down the stairs to her kitchen table and do her taxes 😂
She took something that she LOVED and paired it with something that she DISLIKED. For you it might be treating yourself to a donut after you get your invoices sent out for the week or a pedicure for getting every 10 weddings edited. Find out a simple thing to motivate you to get things done that are necessary.
Stress relief check list
Netflix Binge
Movie Night with Friends
Yoga/Working Out
Puppy Date
Social Media Hiatus
Date night
Shopping Trip
A Good Book
Hot Tub
Find inspiration in things other than Instagram
I’ve noticed that times that I feel down about my work, are the same times I get on Instagram and go look at other people’s work. Then begins a dark spiral where I’m comparing myself to other people’s best work… and comparison is the thief of joy. Find new ways to receive inspiration to your work… such as a walk around the neighborhood at sunset, or a non-business related book. Looking outside the industry for inspiration is essential to avoid burnout.
Do what you love and outsource the rest. If you keep getting bogged down, its probably because you are filling your business with things that aren’t natural strengths to you. Doing things that aren’t at the top of your wheelhouse will grate you down over time and you don’t even realize it until you are exhausted. What are the parts of your business that can be done WITHOUT you having to do it. Can your house be cleaned without you having to be there? Can you pay someone to match your edit? Does blogging make you want to curl up into a ball? OUTSOURCE those items that don’t need your hands on them and watch the happiness flood back into your life.
Day off
As photographers, we often give up our weekends to serve brides or clients who have work conflicts throughout the week. Do you schedule your own weekend instead? Choose a weekday that is completely a personal day! It doesn’t matter if that happens to be the ONLY day a client can take engagements… protect your day and your plans… even if your plans are to lay on the couch and watch cartoons with the kids. A client dictated schedule is a prime indicator that you will burn out. Be in control of your own schedule.
Shoot for yourself
This is the number one piece of advice I see when someone posts in a Facebook group saying they are feeling uninspired. “Do a styled shoot! Shoot for yourself!” While this is a great tip, its not as effective to do when you are in the burnout stage as it is to do on your own schedule. Plan one styled shoot per season to keep your personal inspiration sharp, give you something to work towards, and keep your portfolio fresh!
Never stop learning!!
While it can be tempting to fill your editing hours with movies and Netflix, make the choice to turn on a podcast or webinar instead. Making furthering your education a priority will help your business from becoming static. Some of my favorite podcasts are:
Remember your why
Now is the time to figure out WHY you are in business and write it down and tape it to the wall. It doesn’t matter what your WHY is, just that you have one. You have to have something that is BIGGER than yourself to drive you and push you through all those late nights and time away from your family. Your why might be your kids, your desire to serve or paying off your house. If you why has anything to do with Instagram likes or followers, you will have a hard time getting out of bed for something so insignificant. Figure out what is going to keep you in business even when things get hard.
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