Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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CEO Mom Mindsets

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5 Must Have CEO Mom Mindsets #CEOMOMCLUB   Balancing the roles of a CEO and a mom is no small feat. It requires a special blend of determination, flexibility, and heart. Here are my 5 key mindsets that help CEO moms manage both worlds effectively:   1. The Integrative Mindset: Embrace the Blend The Integrative […]

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Following The Spark With Trenna We have my friend Trenna here on the podcast today, and I’m so excited.  Trenna and I met on the internet – we’ve actually never met in person before.  She is a photographer and she hired me to do some coaching with her! It’s so fun to see where she […]

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Bring Inspo Into Your Life I was dead set on not recording for summer.  I had even emailed my assistant and said, “Hey, we’re not going to do the podcast for summer.  We’ll take summer off.”  I emailed her today, “Changed my mind!”  I was just out of the flow of receiving inspiration! Then, I […]

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Today I want to talk about 4 things that you’re saying that are blocking your success.  These are things that I want you to stop saying in 2023.  I want you to think about what you’re saying, and catch yourself.  You’re probably saying these things more than you realize, so now that I’m bringing awareness […]

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Episode 121. Balancing That Mama Work Life It’s been a long time since we talked about balancing mom-life and business.  I want to circle back to this conversation, but I also want to make you aware that there are SO many episodes on this – if you’re struggling, please dive into mom-life balance.  It’s possible […]

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120. Getting My Mojo Back A couple weeks ago, we talked about motivation vs. discipline – this is part 2 of that episode.  Before I get into trying to find that creative inspiration again, I want to reiterate that sometimes (actually, most the time) we’re not going to feel motivated.  This means we need to […]

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Why You Should Pick a Word of the Year Instead of Resolutions    With the new year comes resolutions, goals, and promises to ourselves that often go out the window within a month. But this year, why not pick a word instead? Making a single word your intention for the year can create lasting change […]

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Today I want to talk about something that we are going to be leaving behind in 2022, and that is the VICTIM MINDSET! I’m not saying you need to be overly positive all the time and you can’t ever complain – we’re not talking toxic positivity here – we’re talking about how you’re playing the […]

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A few weeks ago, I asked Instagram what you guys were working on this year.  So many of you said “motivation” or “consistency”.  That’s what I want to talk about today. I think this is a very, very important conversation.  I know I’ve talked a bit about motivation, burnout, and things like that before, but […]

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What Does Your Story Look Like? | Manifestation story One thing that I have realized with coaching women, is a lot of us are just going kind of blindly into our businesses and into our life, and not knowing where it’s going to lead. I was there too.  I remember, when I started my business […]

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Happy November! With Thanksgiving around the corner, there’s a lot of talk about gratitude! However, gratitude is NOT just a November thing. I talk about gratitude a lot on my podcast and in my education courses because its literally life changing. Gratitude is one of the FIRST things I teach in my coaching program for […]

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Episode #98: Your Enough is Enough A couple of weeks ago I was asked to speak at one of my church events about self worth and helping women feel like their best is enough. I loved the opportunity and was so excited because that’s my passion! I want every woman to feel like they’re doing […]