Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

Meet Kylee



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Getting rejected to Speak at my dream conference…twice

Showit United

In February, I was at lunch with my husband, Rachel and Hiliary after we did a quick home tour. We were having a conversation about associate teams when Hiliary said, “Wow I can’t wait for you to speak on this at United one day.” I opened my phone and said “Man I can’t wait to get the speaker announcement email” and refreshed my inbox. At the very top was an email from Showit congratulating me on being chosen to speak at United this November. Rachel started recording instantly while we hugged, cheered, celebrated and almost cried.

It was the most surreal moment having a longtime dream come true, and also really crazy it happened in that exact instant. I had to keep me lips sealed for over a month, but it’s finally public news!

Manifesting my Dream Publicly in 2016

After Showit United 2016, I wrote PUBLICLY on my blog that one of my big goals was: “Speak at United + Bring 50 KA Community member with me… WHHHAT ;)” 

Showit United

Never Give up on something you know is right

I applied to speak at United 2017, and was rejected. The week they announced speakers, I found out I was pregnant with Ro and due just weeks after United. I was unable to go so I sent Rachel and Hiliary together. Though I was bummed, I knew that the Lord had a different plan in mind for me that season, and I didn’t give up on my dream of being a presenter at Untied.

I’ve had many opportunities to speak, teach and share at conferences, workshops and groups both big and small, but nothing would be possible without the community I found as a Showiteer/Shoot and Share member back in my beginner days. Nearly 7 years ago I had a BIG shift at WPPI in the Shoot and Share hallway…and I vowed that I would give back the way the speakers did ALWAYS.  There is NOTHING like Showit United out there for photographers and I want to be apart of it as much as possible.

I respect Todd and I Elisa for the way they run their business and conferences. The sense of a community and feeling of belonging you find at United is unmatched. I am a huge advocate for kindness and inclusion, and want to promote a conference that also values those two things.

When I applied to be a speaker this time, I was 100% confident in my message, myself and my teaching abilities. I am so glad I was rejected in 2017 so I had time to refine my skills, define my mission and grow my tribe. My topic is:

How to Turn a One-Man Show into a Fully-booked Team : Building an Associate Photography Team that WORKS!

“An associate team is more than making more money or booking all the clients. Its creating a family, extending your brand and serving more people in the best way possible. In this class you will learn when you are ready and when you are not ready to grow your team. You’ll learn how I find my associates, train my photographers and editors, and price our packages.”

“And more importantly, you’ll learn how to grow a team that loves their job, respects your brand and is in it for the long haul. This one woman show has grown from one to seven, $35 to multi-six figure, a handful of weddings to 75 per year. You can do it, too.”

Showit United

What Luke Said

“So proud of my wife, Kylee Ann Maughan. In a market that is way over-saturated, she’s built an amazing business and is recognized by top organizations/peers for all of her many accomplishments. Pumped that she had the opportunity to speak at Alt summit, now Showit United (arguably the biggest event in her industry). She gets knocked down by many for the strangest of reasons, but she never lets it stop her from pushing to the next level. One of the best entrepreneurs I have ever met.”

Thank you Showit for putting on the BEST photography conference and allowing me to be a tiny part of it. I cannot wait for November!

Who’s coming with us?

November 7, 2019


© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS