Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

Meet Kylee



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Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer

Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer

More than two full years ago. March of 2021. My life changed in an indescribable way when I became a Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer.

Sometimes I like to think back on my very first official photo shoot with Kylee Ann Commercial.  I had been taking photos for almost 14 years but started brand photography that year and had just finished up a big Commercial photography workshop.  Kylee trained me a few days before this shoot and passed off a giant box of these cute baby clothes for me to photograph in my home.  I learned really quickly how to find and schedule models, sort products, and cull a lot of files at once.  Now I do it so much it is like second nature for me.

 Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer  Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer

In some ways it feels like I have always worked with the Kylee Ann Team, and it other ways it feels like just yesterday that I started.  But overall I just feel an immense amount of gratitude.  Gratitude that I am able to do what I love for a living. Gratitude that I am able to have time for myself a few days a week.  Gratitude that I can be home with my family most of the time.  Gratitude for the community I’m surrounded by, the brands I get to create beautiful images for, and models I have been able to meet and now call my friends.

 Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer

I am especially grateful for the team culture Kylee has created.  I think back at how lonely I was after moving here away from incredible friends and neighbors.  These girls that I work were heaven sent and are my true angels here in Cache Valley.  They are the best friends and support a girl can ask for.

 Kylee Ann Commercial Brand Photographer

Here I am looking forward to many many more years to come living my dream life and working with more incredible brands.

September 8, 2023

Kylee Ann Team

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS