Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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Photography Facebook Groups | How to Boost your Business with Education

The world of photography is very different in recent years thanks to Facebook groups dedicated for photographers to collaborate or ask questions to people in their area or across the country. Using Facebook to connect and learn from other photographers is easier than ever!

Here are a few tips of how to use Facebook groups as education!

1. Choose the groups you join carefully.

Look for Facebook groups that are local to your area, and groups that are specific to topics you are interested in. Picking groups that are too broad or two large might make it hard to get your questions answered and to feel like you are an important part of the group.

2. Manage your time effectively while inside the groups.

Be careful of spending too much time while participating in groups. Being part of a group, doesn’t mean that you have to read every comment and every single post EXACTLY when it pops up. You control your time in the group, don’t let the notifications control you.

3. Google or search the group first!

These days it way easier on our brains to head to a Facebook group and ask whatever question is on our mind. Gone are the days of researching things for ourselves. Don’t be the person that asks the same questions that has been asked 4 times in the group already that week. Head to Google first, and then if you still can’t find what you need, search the GROUP for keywords like the lens you are researching or the location you need! If both those come up empty then you can post!

4. Be active!

Choose a few groups to join and be active in. Post and comment regularly and see if there are any people in the group you are interested in knowing outside the Facebook group. If you have an opinion, share it, but share it kindly.

Here are some great groups to join on Facebook for photographers!

Community Based:

Our Photog Blog

The Rising Tide

Shoot and Share

Gear and Preset based:

 Sigma Art Users

Mastin Labs Users

August 3, 2017

Kylee Ann Team

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