Bekka and Bailey were in the same ward last year. Bailey was one of those guys that knew everyone in the ward, but when Bekka gave a talk one Sunday, he realized he didn’t yet know who she was. He couldn’t get the cute girl out of his mind and ended up becoming determined to get to know her better. Thanks to some mutual friends they started doing lots of stuff together in big groups. Slowly they started doing things together one on one, including their first date to a custom desert restaurant. Their love grew steadily as they continued to entwine their lives together. Finally they realized they wanted to marry each other on a bridge up the canyon. He took her back to that same bridge a few weeks later along with a fancy ring to ask her to be his wife. Their love story has so many intricacies inside of it that its amazing to get to be a part of. We shot their amazing Salt Lake Canyons Engagements up behind Bekka’s house. She picked out amazing outfits and it was so fun to get to see them together. Their love is so effortless and amazing. Their wedding is coming up in August and I can’t wait!!
September 5, 2017
Kylee Ann Team