Kylee Ann

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Christmas Week & December Funnies

Christmas was a blast, but I barely took any pictures to prove it! My parents and three siblings came to Cache Valley this year. They rented a little house in Hyde Park for the week. We spent the week hanging out with them at their house, eating out at all our favorite restaurants, Christmas shopping and visiting family. On Christmas Eve we got to Skype Brooklyn for the first out of four times in 18 months. It was SO good to see her face and hear her voice even if it’s only been a few weeks. Then, we went home and let Santa do his thing. On Christmas morning, Luke and I exchanged gifts then woke up the kids to go to Grandma’s and Grandpa’s where weSanta left their gifts. Brody got a really cool giant pirate ship and Piper got a play mat. They both really loved their gifts and all the other gifts they got throughout the day. My favorite part of the whole week was just playing games and enjoying the company of my siblings and parents. I sure love when my family comes into town.

Christmas Day and December Funnies

Mr Brody boy is a crack up and I have been compiling a list on my phone of all the funny things he says so I’ll never forget. They might be funny just reading through this list, but the best part is his cute voice and how he says everything. Our holiday season, month and year has been absolutely amazing. I don’t know how 2015 can top it. I guess we’ll wait and see. Happy New Year!!

Brody’s December Funnies & iPhone Pics

*light turns green* “Thank you red light.”

December Funnies 26

*when cutting his hot dog bun.* “Help mom it’s too heavy for me”

December Funnies 7

“Its okay Pipert, it’s okay sweetheart.”
December Funnies 3

“I’m the doctor. I checkin’.”

December Funnies 5

Mom: How are you? Brody: I two

December Funnies 4

“Once upon a time, swimmin’ swimmin’.

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetI told him he could choose one toy and he picked a happy birthday balloon on a stick then ran outside to see if it could fly.
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“Look Mom, it’s in my pocket!”
December Funnies 11

“I want to hold Pipert, awwww.”

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset“All done bath. I need to go to the temple. Its time for church.”December Funnies 12

“Scare-dee monsters! Save Pipert!”

December Funnies 14

While Luke was taking a nap, he found a Santa hat, put it on his head then snuggled up next to “Santa Claus.”

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Piper: *Why aren’t you feeding me cries and glares*
Brody: Mom, Piper’s sad.
Me: Why is Piper sad?
Brody: Piper wants Brody.
Then he stroked her head full of hair until she fell asleep.Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Wrapping presents…

December Funnies 20 December Funnies 21

“Mom, mom, mom, MOM! Look! It’s the pretty temple. A daddy temple and a baby temple.”
December Funnies 22

“I cookin’.”

December Funnies 23

“Don’t worrdy, be happy.”

December Funnies 9Luke: Hold your bottle with both hands. Brody: Can’t. Luke: Why not? Luke: This hand dirty. Hold daddy with clean hand.Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

“I workin'”December Funnies 31

Mom: We need to wash the car. Brody: Wash in Washington?

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Bye mom I’m gonna go buy pizza. *Carrying keys and SAMs club card*

December Funnies 19

I want to hold Piper on my lap like Santa Claus. Mom, I’m not Brody. I’m Santa.

December Funnies 32

*Piper sucking on Brody’s shirt* Piper wants Brody’s boob. *lifts his shirt* Open it?

December Funnies 18

I’ll catch you mom.

December Funnies 10

I want a Mickey Mouse hat too.

December Funnies 2

Mom, I’m so pretty. (A few days later he put “mascara” aka nail polish on his eye lashes.)

December Funnies 1

“My grandmas gone. What’s Brody gonna do? Awww I sad. I wanna go to Bumpas cool house. Miss grandma.”

December Funnies 1

December 31, 2014

Kylee Maughan

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