Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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First Poppy Mini Sessions with Hiliary

Hey guys! It’s me, Hiliary! I’m so excited to show off this adorable family. The Laura family could not have rocked their poppy mini session any better. This sweet family was so fun to work with. They have two little boys, Miles and Beck. Miles is four-years-old and Beck is one-year-old. I could not believe how sweet and well behaved they were. Right when they arrived at the campground Miles and I started exploring around the poppy field. He gave me the best smiles just 30 seconds after getting out of the car. I didn’t have to use any of my tricks because he was just so friendly.  He loved to follow the little trails in between the bright orange flowers. I could have played with him all night, but I guess that’s why I love family sessions so much!

One of my favorite parts about family sessions is watching the kids interact individually with each parent. I try give them some one-on-one time to play while I capture their tender interactions. Beck and Anna reminded me exactly why I do this. As soon as I got Beck with his mama he was eating up the attention. He gave her kiss after kiss and would not let Anna put him down after that. Beck hugged his mama with ever ounce of love he could deliver. I loved seeing Miles play with his dad while he eagerly awaited his time with mom and dad in front of the camera. As soon as Miles and Chip were in front of the camera the jokes came flying. Miles tried to convince me his dad loves to play with Barbies. When I asked Miles what his favorite thing about his Dad is he said he loves playing with him and you can’t blame him when he has such a fun dad. Anna and Chip have the sweetest little boys and I’m so grateful they let me hangout with them for an evening! I have one more poppy mini session, so email if you want to snag a spot. 

poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessionspoppy+mini+sessionspoppy+mini+sessions poppy+mini+sessionspoppy+mini+sessions

June 16, 2017

Kylee Ann Team