Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Gines Birth Story | Cache Valley Utah Birth Story

What a crazy birth story. Jenna messaged me a few months ago to book her birth, but we didn’t book the date because I knew I would be in Washington over her due date. Last Tuesday she posted on Facebook to get suggestions for a different birth photographer since I would be out of town. Hours later she messaged me and said she still wanted to book me even though I would be out of town. I had shot Lincoln’s birth story and trusted me to get the right back ups lined up to capture those memories the same way. On Friday I ran into her at a Malouf auction. She was sitting on the floor 37 weeks pregnant criss cross apple sauce. I sat next to her the whole night. It had been a long day so when I got home I went straight to bed without knowing where my phone was. I woke up and found it in the car at 1%. Right before it died I saw the text “my water just broke!” from the night before. WHAT!! We hadn’t even officially booked the birth yet. I jumped in the shower, stopped by the ward Christmas breakfast then headed to the hospital.

Jenna and Addison checked in around midnight. Even though her water broke, she was not having contractions so they starter her on pit. She labored naturally for hours, without even one complaint. She was relaxed happy, giggly, beautiful and completely calm. No epidural. On Pitocin. She stayed at a three for several hours despite the walking, bouncing, rocking and laughing. I hung out with them until I had to go to my wedding and begged the little guy to stay in there till I got back. He did, and continued to stay until I had to go to the reception. Luckily, Rachel was back in town. I gave her a 30 second crash course on birth photography, but fully trusted her to capture moments the way I would. And she rocked it. Rachel came a birth photographer and KAP was in two places at once. Our first Kylee Ann + Kylee Ann by Rachel Birth Story!

It was a beautiful night, and a perfect delivery. Baby Jackson was much smaller than his big brother, but just as squishy and perfect. Also, can you believe this momma was up all night + labored for 15+ hours naturally?!Kylee Ann Photography_1138Kylee Ann Photography_1137Kylee Ann Photography_1136Kylee Ann Photography_1135Kylee Ann Photography_1134Kylee Ann Photography_1133Kylee Ann Photography_1140Kylee Ann Photography_1139Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0702Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0701 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0704Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0703 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0707Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0705 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0709Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0706 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0711Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0708 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0716Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0712Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0710 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0713 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0718Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0717 Kylee Ann Photography Logan Utah Photographer_0714

Booking a birth photographer for my own births was definitely the best decision my pregnant mind made during those long long uncomfortable months. (Ok…they weren’t that bad.) I want to scream and bawl and scream again and smile and scroll through the pictures a million more times.

Between drugs, sleep deprivation.. oh, and birthing a 9 lb 3 oz baby, my first birth story was a bit fuzzy in my mind. That day was a defining moment in my life and I NEVER want to forget the rush of emotions I felt on that special fall day. The anticipation. The excitement. The pain. The first signs of his arrival. Seeing my son for the first time.  Seeing my husband with our son. The overwhelming feeling that this baby was mine. The instant love. To be able to relive these moments (without feeling the pain) through amazing, emotional images make me that HAPPIEST mom alive.

I believe everyone deserves the same opportunity and joy. Birth story coverage starts at $750 and includes the high resolution edited digital files. To learn more about the Kylee Ann Photography Birth Story Experience, please flip through the Birth Welcome Guide.

December 9, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS