Kylee Ann

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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June Wrap Up

June was SO. MUCH. FUN! After an insane month of moving, working and being crazy busy, June was exactly what we needed. Lots of playing, hanging out, a little bit of working and our new house!!

We moved at the very end of May, so the first couple of weeks were full of unpacking, hanging photos, and decorating our new house. I had so much help from our friends and family! It has taken the kids a little bit to adjust to the new place. Brody is having a hard time sleeping in his new room still, but he’s finally stopped asking to “go home.” His favorite spots are: his new room, the living room with his comfy couch, the “back garden,” his special shower, the “front garden” and the little door from the laundry to our bedroom. We love our new ward, our neighborhood and now that we have a working dishwasher and a swamp cooler, we love everything about the new house. Every day is a new adventure. And we ‘re obsessed.

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Two days after we moved in + a double header wedding weekend, we filmed the Kylee Ann Promo video in our new house. The day was completely chaotic. Nothing went right. My assistant was sick, my videographer started feeling sick, the models cancelled, the house was a complete construction zone, we didn’t have doors or carpet and the kids were uncooperative. BUT Haizel Creations did an incredible job cutting out the chaos and filming a beautiful behind the scenes video. It was everything I wanted + more. (Click “HOME” to see it.)

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The next day was Luke’s birthday. WE LOVE BIRTHDAYS! We started the day with errand running. Balloons, Fizz n Fry’s cookies for his whole office, and a birthday banner. Then, we picked him up for lunch and took him to Olive Garden. After he came home from work, we went out to do a little shopping to kill time. The plan was to drop the kids off at home for the sitter to take over while we went to a movie. I was making it just another day. ;) Meanwhile, his friends were at our house setting up for a land party. Playstation, Pizza Plus, Pop and his best friends! They had so much fun, plus Luke was 100% surprised. Woohoo. #nerds

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The day after that my mom came to town, which is my favorite thing EVER. We just got to hang out, eat, laugh and play. It was the best.

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We spent lots of time at the pool! It was usually just me and the kids with our friends, but one day Luke got to come. Of course, those days are Brody’s favorite days.

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Work was interesting this month. I had a ton of family sessions, but not very many weddings. Even though I still worked a lot, it felt very relaxing and free. It was nice to spend so much extra time with the family, especially on the weekends.

Kylee Ann Photography_0107And…I got lots of cute visitors in my new studio!! Which I’m totally obsessed with. My cute bride and groom brought me over a gift, thank you note and cookies. And Freckle Farm brought me a bouquet in honor of #unselfiesunday.Kylee Ann Photography_0104Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

We had LOTS of play dates!

We had several play dates to the Logan Aquatic Center with different friends every time. Brody loved it when we could leave Piper with our friends and go down the slide together.

Kylee Ann Photography_0090Kylee Ann Photography_0103Kylee Ann Photography_0109 One day we went on a little hike to Stoke’s Nature Center with my photographer friends. I carried Piper in the pack and Brody walked/strolled. At the end of the paved trail, there was a sandbox and a little creek. The kids had so much fun. Brody calls it his adventure to the boat.

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We went to Willow Park, we went to the zoo, we had friends come over.

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We finally got to go on a date, and go to our neighbor’s backyard movie night!Kylee Ann Photography_0112

Freckle Farm was another favorite playdate this month. All thanks to Britnee. We got to release a ton of lady bugs on the trees, feed and hold chickens, color and eat popsicles. Brody never wanted to leave.

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We played in the backyard A LOT!

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And in the house, especially after we got the swamp cooler installed.

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We started our garden!! Brody and Piper helped me pick out all the flowers at Freckle Farm, then we planted them together as a family with our matching top knots.

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We worked on the house some more. Brody LOVES helping Uncle Kyle (and Luis) with building, fixing, measuring, etc. He also loves watering the garden! He is our big helper.

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We did sleep a little bit…but the sleep thing is kinda rough right now. The kids are still adjusting…

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We hosted Father’s day at our house this year. SOO fun to have a home for hosting. Luke got to use his brand new BBQ. I got to use my new dining room table. It was a fun night with his dad, brother and sisters. I am a big fan of dads. Father’s Day rocks.

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I had to go to Bear Lake a few times for family photos. One time the kids came with me. It was my aunt’s in-law’s reunion. Her sister-in-law is also our doctor. Brody got to ride around on their mini horse, Buddy. He loved playing with his cousin, Ava.Kylee Ann Photography_0179 Kylee Ann Photography_0180Kylee Ann Photography_0178 Kylee Ann Photography_0182 Kylee Ann Photography_0181 Kylee Ann Photography_0184 Kylee Ann Photography_0185

Piper graduated to troublemaker. She ended up in Brody’s tshirt one sunday. It was a rough one, but very amusing. I’ve definitely learned patience as a mother, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Kylee Ann Photography_0102Unfortunately, June came to a sad ending. Brody had to get his tonsils out on the very last day of the month. It’s going to be a painful little recovery, but we can’t wait for him to start feeling and sleeping better.

The absolute worst part was the time we were in the doctor’s office. He did not want to be there. It was scary and he knew something was coming. I managed to distract him by turning paper towels into treasure maps, and Facetiming grandma. He calmed down enough to walk to the OR by himself. It was sad to see him go. But even worse when we heard him wake up. He was down the hallway bawling his eyes out, screaming for daddy. When he came back to the room, he was a mess. He pulled out his IVs, bled everywhere and screamed at all the nurses. The Dr came in and told us his tonsils were huge and diseased, and his adenoids were ginormous. We are so glad we got them out. Just wish it could be easier for our sweet baby. Can’t wait till he starts feeling better. Thanks to our sweet friends and family for dropping off goodies this week – Whitney & Chris, Heather, Kyle & Barbi!

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July 3, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS