
Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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Laguna Beach Wedding Photographer

Okay California, stop. Don’t tempt me with your beauty, insanely good-looking couples and warmth. I walked off the airplane from 9 degree weather into 79 degree paradise. I love being able to travel all over to capture love stories.

Each hour with these two got better and better. First, the last rental car available was the mustang convertible. Then, I pulled up at the beach bridal location in Randy’s aunt’s backyard. Are you kidding me?! I was freaking out. PERFECTION. Couldn’t have been better weather or better views.The minute Laurel and Randy walked out on the beach you could feel their love and excitement. Head over heels and completely giddy! This barefoot bride climbed up every barnacle covered cliff through rocks and puddles to get the most incredible shots.

their story

When 6’7″ Randy met 6’7″ Josh Newton they discussed a girl’s perfect height. 5’10”. They agreed to set each other up with girls each other’s ages. It just so happens that Josh noticed and wanted to take out Laurel’s 5’10” sister! Since Randy and Josh were in this dating adventure together, Randy and Laurel were set up on a blind date also. The boys made dinner and set up a video scavenger hunt that took the girls all over Provo. The rest is history. These two dated for two years, and Randy even waited for her while she served a mission in Japan.

Laguna Beach Wedding Photographer Laguna Beach Wedding Photographer Laguna Beach Pictures Laguna Beach Photographer California Wedding Photographer Cali Wedding Photographer

Laguna Beach Wedding Photographer | California Photographer

make up: Lindsay Leephotography: Kylee Annflorals: Brooke (sister)!• location: Aunt’s Backyard Laguna Beach • tie: Dazidress: Alyse Bridal

Kylee Ann Studios is based in Logan, Utah but we LOVE to travel. California is my personal favorite destination! For travel dates and information, click here.

January 5, 2017

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS