Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Landon | Logan Utah Birth Photographer

I got home from Lauren & PJ’s wedding reception, fed Brody and popped in two benadryl. Trying to be sister, photographer and mom was so very exhausting. I told Luke I was going to sleep for 12 hours straight. As I laid my head on my pillow, I got a text message. I leaned over to check my phone one last time before drifting off to sleep. The text was from Jocelyn…”This baby is coming tonight.” I sat up, put on my sweats and sweatshirt and gathered up my camera gear. I got to the hospital just after 11 pm. They had been there since around 9 pm.

Poor Jocelyn had a rough and very painful time. She had to have four epidurals before one finally worked. Unfortunately, it was after she was dilated to 10 cm with heavy contractions. It was about 3:30 am when she was complete and numb, so they let her rest for about an hour. At 5:30 she began pushing. 4 hours later, she was wheeled into the operating from for a c-section. Can you believe that?! I was in awe. She is one strong momma. & Ian’s strength as he held her hand and watched his wife struggle was also remarkable.

I can’t even describe how wonderful and beautiful it was to see this couple as they fought and struggled to bring their beautiful baby boy into this world. The entire night and morning were full of so many emotions. First there was the happy realization that they were finally going to meet their baby boy. Then, there was pain through epidurals, contractions and pushing. There was exhaustion, hopelessness and fear. Finally, there were the tender moments, sacred moment where they saw their sweet baby for the first time. Thank you Jocelyn and Ian for letting me sure this beautiful experience with you.

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May 13, 2013

Kylee Maughan

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