Kylee Ann

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PNW Part One | Washington

When my Washington friends found out we were planning a trip to Oregon in mid-October, they wanted to schedule photos in Oly. It was a good excuse to spend some more time at home. It conveniently worked out to be Conference Weekend, which is my family’s favorite holiday.

We arrived on Friday and spent the day recovering from the drive. It was my first time driving without Luke to Washington. 15 hours of drive time with two toddlers. Luckily, I was able to pick up my friend Brooke (aka an angel) from BYU-I to help with the kids and keeping me company. It was a lot of driving… The kids were pretty good, but had their couple hours of meltdowns along the way. The absolute worst part of the entire trip was the hotel. Hotels and babies are never a good mix. We stopped at 12am and Piper fell asleep at 3am after puking all over my bed. Brody woke up at 6am and we got right back on the road. We ended the trip with a humongous blow out from Piper. The entire seat was covered in poo + all the way down the cracks to the real seat. It was super gross and required a deep clean of the car seat.

Saturday was the first day of General Conference. We ate, ate, ate, listened, listened, listened and took a ton of notes. It was so great being stuck in the same room with my entire family (+the Bartlett’s, Camp H boys and Yan) for at least 8 hours through the weekend. Lots of quality time together. Between and after sessions, we took walks through the neighborhood and Tumwater Falls. On Sunday night we had a little birthday gathering for Brody and Piper so all the grandparents could be around.

We spent Monday at our favorite place (the Children’s Museum) with Grandma Falty, then the afternoon at her home. On Tuesday we went to lunch with the Belnap’s for grandma B’s birthday then my friends Taylor and Ethan took us on a tour of the fire station. We spent Wednesday getting hair cuts, running errands with my mom, building train tracks with Grandma Falty and Uncle Jay and visiting with the Belnaps. Every night was spent taking pictures, and chilling on the couch with my family. Thursday was my dad’s birthday, but we left pretty early to head up to Oregon. It was the first vacation with the two babies that didn’t completely make me want to rip all my hair out by the end. It’s getting easier…and harder in lots of ways too. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

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October 14, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS