I didn’t realize how fortunate I was to grow up as a child of a network marketer until I was back in the network marketing world. Its in this world where the focus is on bettering ourselves, developing as human beings and always thinking positively. Mindset is the key to success in our kind of business, but it should be shared as the key to success to life.
“This business [a good life] is built between the ears.”
Through network marketing I’ve learned how to be a better myself, which has made my life, my business and my family better, too.
Tips for Bettering Your Business and Life:
- Start each day and each project with positive affirmations.
- Create a vision board to visualize your dreams.
- Think positive. Negative thoughts = negative results.
- Dream big, and never stop. You can do whatever you want to do.
- Be kind to yourself through the process.
- Don’t be the best for others. Be the best for yourself.
- Get negative influences out of your life.
- Invest in people who invest in you.
- Please yourself, you can’t please everyone.
Stories of Your Mind are the Stories of Your Life ⚽️
I have learned that there is truly so much power in positive thinking. When I start my day with the right attitude, everything falls into place. If I start a project thinking “I can never get this done,” I won’t. You can do what you want to do. It starts in your mind. The stories of your mind are the stories of your life. “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
The other day I put this theory into action with my five year old son. He had NEVER scored a goal in the three years of playing soccer. I told him to say “I will score a goal” out loud. He didn’t just score one goal that game. But two. It’s not that he suddenly got better at soccer. But he took the opportunities that were always there because he finally saw that.
It’s like when you buy a new car and you start seeing that same car all over town. Your mind starts seeing things that were always there when you change your focus. If you think it will happen and believe it will happen, you’ll attract opportunities and people to get you there.
Change your Thoughts
Thoughts create feelings. Feelings create actions. Actions create results. Change your thoughts!!! We are completely in controls of what we have in our lives.
June 20, 2021