Kylee Ann

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Washington Trip | Personal Post

Washington was so fun, and so hard. Haa. Mixing babies, and work, and traveling is so crazy. But we had so much fun anyways. We flew in Friday night after I shot a little wedding. The kids did a great job in the car, airport, airplane, airport and car. Angels.

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Saturday! First we hit Target then Koibitos with my dad, mom and brother. Two necessary stops. After we stuffer our faces with Sushi, I was off to shoot a wedding aka my 5 year high school reunion. It was fun and surreal and nostalgic seeing all my friends from high school. The kids hung out with grandma and had a blast all day.

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Sunday! We got up and left for church. Piper didn’t even make it into the church before her first Sunday blow out. Then she proceeded to pee all over her shoes and the counter. She had a bath in the church sink. I was in and out of Sacrament meeting and in Sunday school for .2 seconds before she pooped again. My kids are poopy crazies. We spent the evening visiting my grandparents.

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Monday! We started the day with blackberry picking at Grandma Bs. Brody got to stay and pick up gravel in the big truck. He was in heaven. Meanwhile, I went on a Costco run with my mom. I love Costco. We went to the camera shop to get my lens looked at in Lakewood. We came home with a new camera for my dad. Woot, Sony! On Monday night I had the best family session. Family of 12. So adorable. After my session, we had FHE with both grandparents where we heard all about my brother + parents Nauvoo trip. Then we ate blackberry cobbler.

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Tuesday! More pictures and more cobbler. I got up early and took my brother’s senior pictures. Then, cute Abbey’s. After we got home, I took the kids to meet my grandma Falty at Charlie’s Safari. After they got warmed up, they had so much fun bouncing around and eating pizza. We had an afternoon date with my brothers to Grandpa’s Ice Cream.

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Wednesday! We spent come time digging, and playing with puppies at Grandma Bs. During the afternoon we went on a shopping date. Poor Austin had to wait while mom and I tried on sooo many clothes. For dinner we had tacos at Grandma Faltys. We hung out a little while longer to watch Em and Payton’s amazing plays.

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Thursday! Grandma Falty took us to the Hands on Children’s Museum. My kids absolutely love it. Brody played for two hours straight without one fit. Both Brody and Piper had an amazing time. We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up for Friday’s festivities in the Falter home. Then, we went back to the Belnaps to play with the puppies some more.

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Friday! Packing, pictures of the kids, pedicures AND a Costco run. All before leaving for the airport. My kids were a hot mess all the way to the gate. Brody was screaming, flailing, hitting himself, etc. Its no fun waking up from a nap and not knowing where you are. It was quite the scene, and very embarrassing. But we just kept on going. And mostly everyone around us was sweet, understanding and encouraging. PSA: If you see a mom in this situation, just tell her she’s doing a good job or offer to help. No dirty looks ;). They were great on the plane. Brody played rescue bots, took selfies and ate snacks. When we got off the plane, Luke was the first person we saw. That was the BEST thing ever.

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August 14, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS