Kylee Ann

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Willow Springs Event Center | Provo Wedding

Provo City Center Temple

Amy and Spencer were married on a bright and happy day in April! They exited the Provo City Center Temple to cheers and hugs from their friends and family. The Willow Springs Event Center is where they held their reception.
Almost half their wedding guests that attended came because they all served the same mission together! There were so many Reno missionaries that I made everyone raise their hand who was from the mission! Amy and Spencer served their missions together and had a lot of respect for each other. When they both returned home, their friendship quickly turned into something more lasting! They have been together ever since!!
Rewinding back to their first official date. They went on a hike to Stewart Falls and on a picnic. When they got to the falls it was sunset and they were pretty honest with their feelings about each other from the beginning! They even told me they might have shared their first kiss under the stars that night as well!

Willow Springs Event Center

Their wedding reception was held in a stunning new wedding venue! I the love Willow Spring Event Center! It is completely white with tall ceilings! There was plenty of space for all the guests as well as a large back patio and lawn for guests!

Amy and Spencer are very popular people and so many people love them! They had a steady steam of visitors through out the night and so many people there to witness their first dance and sparkler exit!

I loved getting to spend the day with so many amazing people and even got to see some of my friends from past weddings! Congrats to Amy and Spencer! Good luck in New York this summer!

Antelope Island Bridals

Antelope island has some of my favorite locations for bridals. I wrote a blog  about the best locations to shoot at Antelope Island for photographers. These two love birds, Amy and Spencer have such a beautiful story, and had such a beautiful wedding.

The Proposal

Their proposal story still has me laughing. Amy sent me her version of the proposal and I just have to share it in it’s entirety!

“We had planned to go on a walk and feed some ducks by his house while we talked about some things. I was completely oblivious as he had left to set it up- his family was really good at distracting me! He had “taken the dog on a walk” and two of his friends had come down from Logan to help set everything up…

“When he came back he told me “The ducks were falling asleep”. Which I thought was code for “Let’s go talk.” When we got to the park we fed the ducks. While our backs were turned his friends started lighting candles in a gazebo close by. When I first saw the lights it was by accident when I was picking something up and I thought “oh that’s cute!”. Then I realized that it was probably for me!”


“Inside I started panicking and as we walked over. I tried to act like I hadn’t seen anything, but Spencer could totally tell. The gazebo was covered in candles and there was a big box filled with pictures of us and three letters Spencer had written: things he loves about me, things he loves about our relationship, and things that he wants for our future family…

“I was crying and he got down on one knee and pulled the ring box out of his sock and proposed! He had led me to believe that the ring wasn’t coming for a few weeks after, so it was a surprise. We of course had talked about marriage but the whole proposal was a complete surprise!”



April 27, 2019

Kylee Ann Team

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