Kylee Ann

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Yoli Transform 2013 | SLC Convention

Kylee Ann Photography went from daily blogs for the last few months to silence over the weekend. For all my avid followers, you are probably wondering where all the cute babies and love stories were this weekend. Well, I took the weekend off from photography (except for the things that I wanted to capture for personal use) and attended an incredible event in Salt Lake City called Transform 2013 put on by Yoli the Better Body Company. Not only did I take the weekend off from KAP, but I left Brody with my husband for two nights and two days. It was hard and I missed my boys dearly, but it was exactly what I needed.

I thought I was going to be able to catch up on sleep and relaxation being baby free, but I actually got less sleep. WHY?! Well, the days were packed with the most motivational speakers and exciting news and announcements. When the partying was over, I was too pumped about all the possibilities to sleep! Instead, I planned out where I want to be to allow my husband to cut back at work while he finishes school. I decided that I want my Better Body System free every month like I have the last two months. Then, I mapped out my plan to earn myself an all inclusive cruise with my sweet boys. I dreamed. I dreamed BIG.

I never believed I could go high places in Yoli as a young, new parent with limited income. This weekend I heard from average families that experiences homelessness, empty refrigerators, loss of loved ones and extreme depression who have now changed thousands of lives and make thousands of dollars a week. I feel blessed to start where I am and hope to influence just one family the way they were. Yoli transforms lives. I saw this with my own eyes this weekend. Enjoy the highlights…


I just think this picture of Dr. Angie Cross is gorgeous.

Ronnie Cruz….swag. Ronnie struggled making it in his Yoli business, but he never quit. He found the people that would help him grow to the top instead of bring him down._KAP2616

After leaving an abusive relationship, Brittany Larsh, had to become an exotic dancer to support her daughter. She wasn’t proud of this decision, but she did it anyways to make sure her daughter had the life she deserved. Brittany started Yoli after being deathly ill, hospitalized and diagnosed with Crohn’s diesase. After getting on the system, she was completely off medication and completely pain free. She got her health back, quit her job and hasn’t had to go back to a Gentleman’s club in six months. She came down off stage to thank her parents for supporting her through all her decisions._KAP2631

Ruby was an over-weight depressed high-school drop out smoking two packs a day when she was introduced into Yoli. Now she is happy, hilarious and inspiring as she stands on the stage as a diamond. To those who told Ruby she couldn’t, look at her now!

Emerson was homeless for three months because his parents could not financially afford him. He was abandoned, but he did not give up. He joined Yoli last year and won the Cancun trip after losing 70ish pounds. He couldn’t afford the plane tickets, but he and his girlfriend went anyway. Now he stands on stage as Yoli’s YOUNGEST diamond at age 21!! He is doing this to make sure his siblings and parents have a better life. His business partner and girlfriend, Leslie, immigrated to America then lost her dad as a teenager and months later almost her mom as well to an accident. She is doing Yoli to support her mother._KAP2710

Kinau can make you laugh and cry in less than a minute. He came from a very fat, depressed life to Yoli diamond and bliss._KAP2734

Yoli founders – Robby, Daren, Bobby, Corey and Michael._KAP2747

Edward Scissors hands and the Avon lady at the Yoli Costume Party!_KAP2751 _KAP2754 _KAP2757

I dressed up as VP Daren Falter. Shoes and all._KAP2758_KAP2792 _KAP2846 _KAP2866

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Yoli transforms lives. Yoli transformed me. Learn more here. <1005110>

September 8, 2013

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS