Kylee Ann

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Antelope Island Engagements

It was Rhett’s last day in his mission. He had spent two years serving the Lord in the great state of Oregon. While he was there, he met many amazing families. One family he grew very close to was the Beechers. He had been in their area for six months, and been invited into their home many times. They had a son leaving on a mission, who actually left while he was there. They grew very close. They also had a daughter that was serving a mission. Due to a crazy leg infection, Cassie was sent home about a month earlier than anticipated. Fresh off her mission and back to reality, she stayed close to her momma aka best friend. Sister Beecher aka Christine had grown to love Elder Parkinson, so she definitely had to go say goodbye on the last day of his mission. Her and Cassie drove to say their goodbyes, and good lucks! When they walked in the room, his eyes went past Sister Beecher’s and straight to Cassie’s. Love at first sight? Maybe so, but it took Facebook to bring them together officially. He always says it’s a good thing he met her on his very last day. She added him on Facebook, but he messaged her first. They were both going to be at BYU a few months later. The day after she arrived at BYU, they went on their very first date together….the rest is history.

I rolled out of bed after a lazy Saturday morning to texts of excitement from sweet Cassie, and her amazing mother. The bond between these two, and the kindness they’ve both shown me is indescribable. Rhett, Cassie, Christine and everyone I’ve interacted with associated with these two are amazing. Those people that make you feel like a million bucks the second you greet them. The entire session was spent getting to know each other. I got to know them like I always do, but this session was different…because they genuinely cared to get to know me in return. I left their session feeling like I had lifetime friends. Caring, sweet, amazing friends.
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Antelope Island Engagements | Rhett and Cassie | Layton Utah Photographer

April 12, 2016

Kylee Maughan

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