Kylee Ann

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Baby Ruth | Natural Birth Photographer

5:00 PM on Monday night, Jacquelyn headed to Logan Regional five days overdue and ready to meet her baby. After they got settled in and checked out, they broke her water and slowly labor began. Jacquelyn was determined to go through the entire labor and delivery without an epidural! In the middle of the night, they had to start her on pitocin to help her progress a little faster. I barely slept all night waiting for that call. Since this was her second baby and her labor went smooth and fast with the first, I was expecting nothing later than 1:00 AM! At 5:00 AM, she said she was getting closer and I could come now.

When I got the the hospital, they checked her and she was at an 8! After an entire night of pain-killer free labor (ouch) and pretty much squatting through every intense contraction (ouch), the doctors reassured her that she was SO close. She was laboring in pitch black darkness and using her ball and husband for support. The labor got worse and she was not progressing. In fact, I stepped out for an hour to go downstairs to my first OB appointment and when I came back she was even regressing. She had moved down to 7cm and in excruciating pain. While I was gone she was given an epidural and looking MUCH better than when I left her. When I got back she said “You missed a lot of screaming” and her husband chimed in “It was scary!” haha.

I left again to switch Brody from my sister’s to my friend’s house and as soon as I got to my sister’s I got the “We’re at a 10 call!” Woah that was fast. I rushed Brody to the Kylie’s and went straight back to the hospital. The doctor, his carts and all the nurses were in there set up to start pushing. Jacquelyn looked even better by this point so happy that it really was baby time. Then, she started pushing and continues to push for TWO HOURS in several different positions until finally sweet baby Ruth Margaret (gender was a surprise) entered the world sunny side up and nine big pounds!! After a few minutes of skin-to-skin time with her momma, Ruth was wheeled up to get connected to some sort of machine to help with her breathing. I didn’t get to see much of little Ruth, but now she is happy, healthy and home!birth-cache-valley1cache-valley-missionary-pictures1 birth-cache-valley2cache-valley-missionary-pictures2cache-valley-missionary-pictures3cache-valley-missionary-pictures4cache-valley-missionary-pictures5 cache-valley-missionary-pictures6 cache-valley-missionary-pictures7 cache-valley-missionary-pictures8 cache-valley-missionary-pictures9cache-valley-missionary-pictures12 cache-valley-missionary-pictures10 cache-valley-missionary-pictures11cache-valley-missionary-pictures13cache-valley-missionary-pictures15cache-valley-missionary-pictures14cache-valley-missionary-pictures17 cache-valley-missionary-pictures18birth-cache-valley4 cache-valley-missionary-pictures19birth-cache-valley5 cache-valley-missionary-pictures20 cache-valley-missionary-pictures21 cache-valley-missionary-pictures22Baby Ruth || Natural Birth Photographer

March 29, 2014

Kylee Maughan

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