Kylee Ann

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Balancing your Photography Business – A Husband’s Perspective

Just about every week I get asked “HOW DO YOU DO IT ALL?!” I have a really long answer that includes how I was raised, my supportive family, my organized OCD personality, prayer and God. Also even though it seems like I have it all together all the time, I don’t.  But last week when I was talking about this question with my husband, he had some tips of his own. I invited him to guest blog for Kylee Ann Photography, so here you have it:

Balancing your Photography Business & Family – A Husband’s Perspective

I would like to call this ‘balancing work and family’, but thats not really what this is about. This article is more about keeping your family happy as you run a successful business. Before I begin, let me clarify that I recognize these tips as being specific towards certain situations. For example, not every photographer reading this is going to be a married female with small children (like my wife). However, a significant number of these tips can be applied to anyone, regardless of your life situation.

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Tip #1: Talk to your suppose

Who would have ever thought that communication would have been the number one tip I have to give?  Seriously, get on the same page as your spouse. Make sure that as a photographer you’ve made it clear where you expect your business to go. Ask your husband/wife  to express their concerns…then address them! Express your concerns and find ways your spouse can help you overcome them! Being on the same page with your spouse will greatly improve the success of your business and prevent any resentment caused by your busy life as a photographer.

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Tip #2: Make time for you family

Family, isn’t it about time? In a lot of situations, your husband/wife may have a full time job out of the home. Even you may have a full time job outside of the home or the full time job at home as a stay-at-home parent!  This means that the majority of your photography time is set for weekends and evenings after the day job is wrapped up.  I know there are “busy seasons” in the photography industry. Some weeks during those months you may book yourself so far up you can barley float. That’s fine, just make sure that you devote as much time off during the “slow season” to compensate for those other times. Bringing in the dolla’ bills is nice, especially when the number one cause of divorce is linked to money, but it’s not worth missing opportunities to spend time with loved ones. No job is. Don’t overbook yourself all of the time. It’s hard to have the support of your family if they’re not feeling the love.View More:

Tip #3: If you’re going to have a business, have a business!

Running a business can be complicated. There are a lot of steps involved to make sure you are doing things legally and ethically. Make sure that you’re taking every step in order to avoid IRS complications, law suits and other potential catastrophes! You’ll find  that once you have all your legal and tax bases covered, the pride you have in your business will grow. As exciting as that is for you, it’s equally as exciting for your spouse! Share your business advances with your spouse. Don’t let them go unnoticed. You may find that their support comes easier and even take steps to personally be involved with helping your business grow.  After all, who doesn’t like the feeling of being related to someone that has a successful business?

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There you have it…three little tips that will help you as you run your business and maintain balance in your family! It’s been an honor to share my perspective as the husband of a rock-star photographer!

— Luke (the Husband)

February 3, 2016

Kylee Maughan

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