Logan Temple Wedding
I’m so excited to share this classy USU Alumni House wedding! Rebecca and Carson crafted their dream wedding day. They were married at the Logan Utah Temple on sunny summer afternoon. Rebecca and Carson were so peaceful and happy as they exited the temple to the cheers from their friends and family. I love their romantic bond they have with each other. Being around them feels like they are the same person, with very similar interests and goals. Rebecca’s dress was unique and her romantic updo was the perfect hairstyle.
Classy USU Alumni House Wedding
Their classy wedding reception was nothing short of immaculate. They had fresh florals on every table, and classy romantic calligraphy signs framed with florals. They opted to do a sit down dinner catered with amazing food. Their table settings included personal jars of honey that were harvested and packaged by Rebecca’s dad. It was the classiest touch and so yummy! They planned sweet program that included a fun get to know the couple game. I’ve never seen that before and it was adorable. The winning table got special treats the represented them as a couple. It was so cute!
They sang a song together and showed a slideshow of them as children! My favorite part of the night though was when they rapped “End Game” by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. I have never loved a moment more! They ran down an isle of sparklers at the end of their wedding day. It was so sad to see the day end because that means I don’t get to see them anymore! I’m so excited to see the amazing things that will come to them in the future!
Cache Valley Wedding Photographer
February 4, 2019
Kylee Ann Team