Gines Birth Story | Ogden Utah Birth Story Photographer
Jenna is a dear friend of ours at Kylee Ann Studios! Kylee got to photograph her first birth. Rachel photographed her second birth. Finally I got to photograph her third birth. It was such a special experience. She progressed really quickly and luckily I was hanging out just 20 minutes away. Birth stories are definitely the biggest wild card, because there are so many variables that are out of our contorl. I was so happy that I made it on time to photograph sweet baby girl entering this world.
I walked in the door at 12:27 and she was born at 12:34 pm, weighing 9.2 lbs, and 20 1/2 inches long. When the doctor pulled her out she guessed she was a 9lb baby. As soon as she was born she had her hand to her mouth wanting to suck her thumb. Jenna and Addison were head over heals for the first little girl. The first hour with the baby is such a sacred time. I stayed to capture a few details but wanted to give them time alone with their new little babe.
The best part of the entire birth was being their when Jenna’s two little boys arrived to meet their sisters. They both did so good. Lincoln wanted to give her kisses and snuggles. Jackson was smiling from ear to ear. Lincoln just kept saying “It’s my sisters, she’s so cute!!”. The best Christmas gift has got to be a new little sister.
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December 27, 2017
Kylee Ann Team