Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

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January Wrap Up

My children are my pride and joy. They bring me so much happiness every single day. This last month has been so unbelievably crazy in the Maughan home. And they have been so so patient! Not only is Luke working full time as the U.S. Sales Manager for UK too, he’s back in school full-time AND spending every moment he’s not working,schooling or home working doing construction at our new house. He is so amazing juggling all these things. And he still finding time to play with his kids and bring home roses just because.

I have been also maxed to my fullest with Kylee Ann Photography and full-time motherhood of my two precious babes. This month I have flipped my business upside down and completely changed structures. It may sound simple but I promise you it was insane. After a week of mentor sessions, online classes and meeting with photogs, I converted my digital based business to a product based business. I spent so many late nights researching products and labs for the best options for my clients.I spent so much time ordering sample prints, designing albums and creating pricing guides. I created welcome guides for births, portraits, newborns, weddings and collections. I packaged up my 2015 bride gifts.

 Throughout the month I shot/edited/delivered two weddings, two births and several sessions. I’ve blogged 3-5 times every single week and even scheduled posts ahead of time. I’ve ordered, sold and reordered more planners than I can count. AND if that wasn’t enough, I spent several days putting together powerpoints and packets for my Feb workshop attendees. Then finished filming my classes for TPE Fab Families Advanced Course. Oh and Piper and Brody had pneumonia + Luke and I had sinus infections. Four full weeks of sickness!! I am exhausted to say the least.

Meanwhile, Piper and Brody have been champs!! They are incredible children and they make us laugh every single day. Brody is 2 and three months old. He can say any word you tell him too. He has a huge imagination. He loves to play pretend. His favorite is driving his pirate ship to Washington, pretending to call Fischy and Grandma, playing doctor (thanks Austin) and fighting monsters and ghosts with scardy fingers). He Facetimes Grandma, Luke, Bumpa and Austin every day and wishes he could also talk to Macey that often too. He knows all the letters, can count to 13…or something and loves to read (or pretend to). When we’re in the car, he looks for the volcanoes with hot bubbles (aka mountains), green lights and stop signs. He loves his dad, mom and PiePie (which is his latest pronunciation.) Last month we taught Piper how to roll over.Brody loved yelling at her to ROLL OVER RIGHT NOW. He also loves showing her how it’s done.

He learned how to climb out of the crib and fought naps/bedtime for a week. He’s back into a routine now and for that I am so grateful! He loves nursery on Sundays and play dates with Tris, Ava, Hal and Demps. He also took it upon himself to become potty trained. When he has to pee, he runs to the toilet, takes off his diaper, lifts the lid and pees standing up. Both Luke and I would prefer him to sit down so we haven’t even taught him this standing up business. He doesn’t miss and is actually quite good at it. He refuses to wear his underwear but still pees in the toilet when he’s in a diaper. He pooped once too, woot! My goal the next few months is to really start potty training…and in big boy undies! Piper is a joy for all of us. Along with rolling over, she learned to laugh this month. It is the happiest sound ever. She’s been a mommas girl but lately she’s really been lovin on her dad!  She loves to talk and listen to her family. We love them so much. Now here’s are month in iPhone pics.

Our Month in iPhone Shots


February 6, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS