Kylee Ann

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July Wrap Up | Personal Post

July is my FAVORITE month. I just love summer.

The beginning of July started out rough because Brody had to get his tonsils out. Even though he was in so much pain and really hated his medicine, he did amazing! Way better than we expected. Luke took time off at work and we all layed low for about a week. On the third of July we hung out with cousins for a few hours, and lasted through almost all of the fireworks. The next day we went to half of the Hyrum Parade and fireworks at the Davidsons (neighbors). It was a slower weekend than usual, but we still made awesome memories.

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Brody started feeling better just in time for my birthday. We celebrate birthdays big in the Falter/Maughan families. Luke went all out. It was the BEST day ever!!! I was spoiled rotten. I still smile thinking about how perfect it all was.

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He even cut off his man bun for me.

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We had a couple of fun splash pad play dates during the first few weeks of July. Our favorite is the Sports Academy. Brody loved shooting everyone with his huge water cannon.

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And lots of momma play dates. We went to Wiggle Worm, the Jump Zone, the library, park play dates and crashed Lauren’s preschool fieldtrip. The three of us have so much fun together. The only thing that would make it better is if daddy could play with us all day long too.

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July was a busy busy month for engagements, bridals, families and weddings! And I loved every second of it.

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We’ve been working more on the house. It’s coming together…one room at a time.

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The kids got haircuts. Brody’s is adorable. Piper’s is so sad. :( Her curls are gone and it’s pretty much a bowl cut. Luckily she’s cute enough to pull it off. She can yell at me for it one day….boo.

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My mom came into town for 24 hours to drop of Emmalee. In those 24 hours we celebrate Emmalee’s 10th birthday with crepes, pool party with cousins and pizza. My kids (especially Brody) loved seeing his grandma grandma.

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Emmalee stayed with us for the rest of the month!! We went to parks, parades, pools, and had a ton of fun together.

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Here in Utah we have this state holiday called Pioneer Day. Most people have the day off of work and it’s celebrated like the 4th of July (x10). Parades, fireworks, sales, etc. When I first moved to UT, I thought it was hysterical. We celebrated “Pioneer Day” in WA with a little church service project and three legged races. But since the pioneers did settle UT, it does make sense.

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Brody literally jumping for joy during another Pioneer Day parade. Mendon is where it’s at on Pioneer Day weekend.  Grandpa Bruce set the whole thing up for us, and played with the kiddos all day long. It was one of the best firework shows I’ve ever seen. Not too long, nothing boring and a crazy finale.

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And the kids passed out after in 10 seconds flat.

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We ended to month with even more cute visitors! Luke’s older brother’s family came to stay with us. I have to say…the best part about our house is all the space we have for family. It was so fun to have the whole Maughan gang crash at our place for a few days. Brody and Fisch played ammmazzzzing together. It was so fun to listen to their conversations and watch them play.

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And now we’re off to WA for a week. Peace out UT.

July 31, 2015

Kylee Maughan

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