Kylee Ann

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Missionary Girlfriend | High School Sweethearts

High school sweethearts. Missionary girlfriend. Soul mates.


April 21, 2008. That was the day Jacob asked me to be his girlfriend. We were 16 years old and didn’t quite know what the road ahead of us (held). We spent time during our high school years supporting each other at various sporting events, and going to any dance we could just to dress up nice and be together. Mostly we would leave and find fun in other things. We would often go to dinner together and watch movies. Whether it was snuggling on the couch together or going to the theatre to load up on candy from top foods, classic movie theatre popcorn, and cherry coke, we always enjoyed a good movie together. We always enjoy having nice relaxing nights.


As our high school years were coming to a close we began to realize it was time for us to think about our future. I had come to realize that after a year and a half of dating that something wasn’t quite right. Jacob had always told me, but never pressured me that I would be happier if I joined the church. The only opposition that I ever had was that I already was happy. Naturally I gave it some thought. After spending so much time with the Klumker family, I really noticed the quality of life they lived and I loved that. Without even knowing, their family led by such love and example. I knew I wanted to be a part of such happiness. I began to take the discussions with the missionaries and I knew more than anything that being baptized would make me eternally happier than anything in this life ever could. _KAP4457

On February 13, 2010 Jacob baptized me and I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Just a few months later we graduated high school. As an 18 year old boy it was natural for Jacob to start preparing for a mission, and that he did. While I started my first year of college, Jacob began to prepare and in January 2011, he received his call to the South Africa Johannesburg Mission.

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 As time went on it became more difficult. Jacob was working on serving the Lord while I was trying to come to terms with him leaving for 2 whole years. Many people don’t know how to take a situation as this. Thoughts usually come up such as do I date other people while he is gone and see if it might work out with someone else, do I break it off now before it gets even harder, or do I faithfully wait for him? In my mind there was only one way. From the second I knew Jacob would be going on a mission I always knew I would wait for him. No matter how hard it might be, or how many people would look at me and say “a lot can happen in 2 years” I always knew. Six months after receiving his call Jacob reported to the MTC to begin serving the Lord. Saying goodbye was hard, knowing that once he drove away in his car that we would only be able to communicate through letters once a week for the next 2 years. That thought scared me._KAP4585 copy _KAP4601

 While he served I stayed as busy as possible. Going to school and working 2 jobs along with getting very close with my friends made the wait a little bit more bearable. With all of the distractions to keep me busy I would still write Jacob every Sunday night and there was never a day I wouldn’t ask if there was a letter for me at home. Even though we weren’t physically together, while Jacob was gone I had seen more changes in him than I ever imagined. His love and knowledge for the gospel had grown immensely and his love for all people especially. He was definitely the man I wanted to marry. Many people would think that as we spent more time apart that we would grow apart as well. The exact opposite happened. I had never known with such a surety that he was the one. I knew that after these 2 years apart, things would be perfect between us. I knew that because of Jacob’s faithfulness to the Lord during his mission and my dedication to wait for him back home and all of the growth we had made in our relationship that we would be blessed.

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 July 10, 2013. That was the day! The day that Jacob would return home, at times it felt like it would never come and to see that it was finally here was unbelievable. I think that we can both say, that seeing each other for the first time again, we just knew. From the second that I saw him until now I have never once doubted that waiting for him was the right thing to do. After spending just two and a half weeks together, Jacob proposed!!! During his mission we always talked about how we didn’t want to wait and so we won’t. I think it’s safe to say we’re pretty in love. On September 28, 2013 we will be sealed for time and all eternity. _KAP4689 _KAP4702 copyb _KAP4714 _KAP4739 _KAP4746 _KAP4760

High School Sweetheart | Missionary Girlfriend | Soul Mates

August 3, 2013

Kylee Maughan

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