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White Willow Reception Center | Kelsey & Marcus

White Willow Reception Center | Kelsey & Marcus

My absolute most favorite part of weddings are the toasts. I love them so much. It’s when everyone who came for their cousin, aunt, niece or nephew, falls in love with their new spouse. Everyone in the room gets to know a little bit more about the bride and groom. The whole room feels like one big family. It’s the moment that I wish was recorded every single time. A lot of times the toasts aren’t written down, but this time, Kelsey’s sister had hers written down and I asked them if I could share it all with you! Just pictures you are at the White Willow Reception Center and enjoy the sweetest sister toast you’ve ever heard!

Kelsey, where to start. I’m sure everybody here has had their own experiences and moments with Kelsey. You could all give your own toast, but my toast to you Kelsey is based on my 13 years 1 month 13 days.

You have given me so much love. You always go out of your way to spend girl time with me. I enjoy that so much. Let me say, Kelsey is awesome.

The A in awesome that Kelsey is, stands for Angel. Most every Sunday she goes to visit Maxine. Took her garage selling one time, and talks with her.

The W stands for witty. At least that’s what she thinks. Sometimes she laughs a little too hard at her own jokes. Kelsey voiced her opinion to the family that sh his the funniest. But I want to straighten the record out with all these witness that I’m the funny one.

The E stands for Energy. She has a great energy about her. Kelsey every time I’m around you your positive energy is very contagious. And I just love that about you.

The S stands for Sunsets. Kelsey you love a beautiful sunset. From the pink moment in Ojai California to the orange sunset of Costa Rica, where you got engaged, might I add. You are like a sunset, full of so many warm beautiful colors. When you put them all together it makes a breathtaking you.

The O stands for Obedient. When it comes to obedience, you Kelsey are the star I follow. Just one example of this; the prophet asked all the young women to do their personal progress. Mom didn’t have to tell her to do it. She was self motivated, she was asked by the prophet and she did it. Not only once, but twice!!

The M stands for Mother. Kelsey you are going to be a great mom. Does everyone want to know how I know this? Kelsey her often thought she was my mother and sometimes a little bossy with me. And I’m sure my siblings can testify. That being said, I do have to give it to her that she was a great oldest sister, and still is. And all her little mothering has been a big part of making us who we are. Kelsey you will make a great mom, and I’d sure like to be an Aunt… fast.

The E stands for Engaged. I know you aren’t engaged anymore but you’re now married. That’s not the kind of engaged I am talking about. Kelsey you have always been engaged in a good cause. You take something like a dance that you’re supposed to choreograph as a school assignment and you make it have a positive impact on those are you by making it about something important like the Holocaust. On the other end of the spectrum you take the gospel and truly engage with it… you study it, you live it, you really come to know it like you did when you went to the Jerusalem center… you didn’t just go over there and learn about it, but you totally absorbed it and lived it…. it became who you are.

And the last letter that is not in awesome but is in awesomer is the R with stands for Role Model. Everyone looks to you. I know I have my whole life. What I’m trying to say is you are the best sister, the best friend, and I think I can speak for mom and dad by saying that you are the best…… oldest daughter. Kelsey you are awesome….r. Cheers to Kelsey!

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October 9, 2019

Kylee Ann Team