Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

Meet Kylee



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Our Summer Vacation

In the past, our vacations have been spent taking photos back to back (me) or working non-stop from the company laptop (Luke). We love Washington, but never have the opportunity to do fun things or just relax. Luke recently got a job at a web hosting company in Providence, UT. (If you need web hosting, he’s got the hook ups). With this job change, he’s been able to take real vacations, spend more time with our little family and leave work behind him when he’s away from it. All Luke wanted for his birthday was to be in Washington, surrounded by family. So, off we went.

We flew in on Saturday night right after shooting a wedding at the Logan Temple. On Monday, my parents surprised Luke with a one night get-a-way in Ocean Shores.  We enjoyed window shopping, eating, walking on the beach, hot tubbing, relaxing, sleeping, sleeping in, uninterrupted sleep, sleep, and no responsibilities. It was just as much as a gift to me as it was to Luke. On Wednesday, Luke helped till my grandparents and parents gardens, while I suffered from a rib injury. Emmalee’s class fieldtrip to the Seattle Aquarium was on Thursday. My mom was a volunteer, so we tagged along..

Brody had three favorites. 1. The jelly fish tank and 2. These birds!!! 3. Hanging out with Mom, Dad, Grandma and Auntie Em. Below are some favorite pictures from the day…

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Friday was Brooklyn’s 18 birthday. On our way to dropping off Mom’s homemade birthday brownies to her classes, we stopped on the side of the road to stalk Emmalee’s field day. As I was leaning out the white van with a 70-200 mm lens, the recess assistant came over to our car to check out the sketchy situation. Before she saw my mom, she asked if “Excuse me…do you have a child at this school?” in a really concerned voice. Once she got to the car and saw my mom, she said, “Phew its just you.” It was so neat to see the South Bay Fire Department’s involvement with this Elementary School. After school, Brooklyn and I got pedicures, took pictures of her class shirts then visited the Gambling Commissions (my old job, Brooklyn’s new job) for a good visit, cake and ice cream. That night we had a bunch of fun teenagers at our house for Brooklyn’s party.



I spent Saturday morning in back to back photo sessions with the cutest families and couples. In the afternoon, we went to a Yoli Give BBQ, where we put together hygiene kits for Oklahoma. After the service project, we headed to Cabelas for a Tranform U Training. My mind is overwhelmed with the things I learned. This training was not just about building a successful Yoli business, but becoming a successful leader, friend and individual, as well. There was so much personal development and inspirational quotes and videos. It was uplifting and inspiring. I am committed, I am passionate and I am ready to make my Yoli business boom this summer.

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Shadow ate Brody’s arm, but Brody still loved him.

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On Sunday, we had the opportunity to go to my grandparent’s church ward and hear the LDS mission homecomings of one of my best friends from high school, his twin brother and his older sister. It was so fun to hear and see them. In the afternoon, my sweet husband drove me all the way to Elbe, Washington to shoot a wedding. Afterwards, we got home just in time for Father’s Day dinner (one week early) with both grandparents, Aunt Tracy, the Brooks, cousins, siblings and parents. It was a fun way to end a relaxing, and uplifting vacation. We love Washington, yes we do. See you next month PNW.

June 11, 2013

Kylee Maughan

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