Kylee Ann

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Your Photographer, Business Coach and Podcaster! Our team specializes in weddings, families and brands!

Meet Kylee



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April & May Wrap Up

It’s been quite awhile since I did a end of the month iPhone wrap up. Two months to be exact. Wow, April and May passed by incredibly fast and were even more busy than normal. Which I thought was impossible! I just hope it doesn’t get any busier than the last couple of months. Phewwww.

– Easter Weekend was a blast! My family came to town for Conference and Easter. It was a quick visit, but we still managed to fit in a little Jump Zone, quick trip to SLC, Easter egg hunts, and settlers. We also did an Easter shindig with Luke’s dad + family. You can read all about our Easter fun in it’s own blog post here.

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– Grandma B also came to town. We had fun hanging out, and even went out for bowling and pizza one night. It was a fun night with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandma.

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– Wedding season began. We shot 7 weddings in April and May + countless portrait sessions. It was busy times with graduation, people getting married, other people leaving on missions, babies being born.

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– We started to teach Brody how to ride his bike down hills. We spent an evening up in the canyon riding bikes as a family.

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– I put together a big Mother’s Day free mini session event with 30 mommas and their babies at Freckle Farm. (Read more)

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– One of my sessions from that ^ got picked for the cover of Denim + Grace Magazine! Woohoo!

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– My kids + husband spoiled me on Mother’s Day. Delicious 10 course breakfast, cute new diaper bag and lots of pampering. Also, pictures of me with my two kiddos.

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– We had LOTS of fun play dates with our human friends + dog friends! It was so nuce for this busy momma to get out of the house with my friends. And even better that the kids got to play and have fun too.

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– We had one epic play date in the mud.

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– We slept a little bit….

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– And had lots and lots of dates to Wiggle Worm.

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– There was lots of hanging out with the kiddos and family.
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– And a few soccer games with Grandpa!

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– Oh, and lots of finding Piper in tight places. She’s a crawling machine!

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– We started packing up our house mid-May. Boxes up to our ears. We also were spending a lot of time getting the townhome ready for renters, and the new house ready for moving in. Then, three days before we moved, we decided to paint our kitchen cabinets. It was a crazy couple of weeks for everyone – Luke, Me and Uncle Kyle (general contractor) + his workers.

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– Then, we said goodbye to the townhome and hello to our #cliffsidehomemakeover!

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June 12, 2015

Kylee Maughan

© 2020 Showit GRace and Gold | KYlee ANN STUDIOS