Rounds Birth Story | Cousins Born Hours Apart
I only had one birth story scheduled for the day. Bryn had been on the calendar for a while. Bryn used to be our Studio Manager here at Kylee Ann Studios, so obviously we all love her! I was so excited that I got to shoot her birth. She’s written and blogged most of our #KABrideTip’s.
When I got to the hospital everything was calm. Bryn and Colin were just hanging out enjoying the last moments together before they welcomed a new little baby into the world. Colin’s brother’s wife, Danielle, was also pregnant, but wasn’t due for a few more weeks. We were all SO surprised to find out that she was being sent to labor and delivery to have her baby on the EXACT same day that Bryn and Colin were having a baby.
Is there anything more exciting than brothers having baby boys on the exact same day?!
Because Danielle wasn’t due for a few more weeks her photographer was out of town. I was freaking out when they asked me to photograph their birth as well. Bryn was a bit farther along than Danielle, so we were pretty sure they wouldn’t deliver at the same time. I was bouncing back and forth between the rooms like a kid on Christmas morning. Photographing a birth is just as special, if not more special than photographing a wedding. There is something so sacred and surreal about watching a baby breathe it’s first breath. So getting to photograph two births, cousins, in the same day, was probably the coolest thing I’ll ever get to do as a photographer.
Bryn and Danielle had pretty different births, and that only made it more special to see them both happen. There are so many ways to get a baby here, and each are sacred in their own ways. Danielle’s water broke before she got her epidural. She was in a quite a bit of pain, as you can imagine, before the epidural kicked in. We thought it would be fun to blog these images together, since the cousins will share a birthday for the rest of their lives! Here are Bryn’s Birth Story pictures, and here is Danielle’s Birth Story.
November 1, 2018
Kylee Ann Team