Logan Utah Childrens Photographer | Ellie Turns One
This family is near and dear to my heart! Morgan & Steven were my first wedding with Kylee Ann Studios and since then I have been able to take their family pictures every year. Now, I get to be their Logan Utah Childrens Photographer. This year, Ellie turned one. Their family lives all around the United States and they all gathered in Logan, Utah to celebrate Ellie. I hope you know how loved you are little girl! I wanted Morgan to write a letter to Ellie, because her love for family is something that I have never seen before.
From Mama to Ellie:
Dear Sweet Girl,
You are one! You are just the most special girl I’ve ever known. And if you think I’m biased just look at all the people who came to your first birthday party! Your great grandparents drove almost 24 hours just to be there for your first cake. Another set of greats drove 5 hours, and you grandparents drove 10. They couldn’t get enough of your sweet dimples and your happy smile. They kept saying how lucky we were to have such an amazing baby, but we knew that from the first time we saw your face.
You’ve really made this mommy thing easy on me. There have been many tears and all have been happy. When you snuggle to me it makes everything else in the world melt away. My favorite thing is when I walk in the room and no matter what you are doing your face lights up. You are the best daughter a mommy could ask for.
It’s amazing how fast a year goes by. To go from holding a day old baby girl to chasing around a while one year old. We watched you smile, roll, crawl, stand and walk all in such a short time. Each time you learned a new trick your curiosity would expand and your daddy and I loved to watch your brain work.
We knew we wanted a little girl long before you were born. We couldn’t wait to teach her how to be fierce and strong. How to stand up for herself and be her own person. But the more we learn fro you the more we realized you can’t teach those things. We watch you do them all on your own. I couldn’t be more proud of the little girl you have become in just your first year. You have given your daddy and I the adventure of a lifetime and I can’t wait to see where this next year takes us. Keep your wild, my child.
August 24, 2019
Kylee Ann Team