Kylee Ann

BY Photog

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Jenna and Addison patiently waited 40 weeks and a few days for the arrival of their sweet baby boy. Finally after a few days past her due date, she went in to be induced. On Tuesday evening they called to make an appointment. They were asked to come in at 10:00pm. I met them at […]

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My wake up call came at 4:00 AM, but Jodi’s was much earlier. Labor started at 1:30 AM and continued fast and hard until she woke up Jim and decided to leave for the hospital. Jim packed up the car, fueled up and averaged 80 mph the entire 30 mile drive to the hospital. When I […]

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5:00 PM on Monday night, Jacquelyn headed to Logan Regional five days overdue and ready to meet her baby. After they got settled in and checked out, they broke her water and slowly labor began. Jacquelyn was determined to go through the entire labor and delivery without an epidural! In the middle of the night, […]

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Luke’s alarm went off at 6:15 and he hit snooze. A few minute later there was this constant buzzing and I kept nudging Luke to turn off his second alarm. Then I realized it was my phone and sprung right out of bed and called Matt back. It was baby time!!! They had been at […]

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While I was in the middle of teaching on Thursday night, I got a few texts from Whitney. I didn’t check my phone until after the 4 hours of classes and started freaking out. I called with no answer and decided they probably had just gone back home and gone to sleep. I poured myself […]

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I got home from Lauren & PJ’s wedding reception, fed Brody and popped in two benadryl. Trying to be sister, photographer and mom was so very exhausting. I told Luke I was going to sleep for 12 hours straight. As I laid my head on my pillow, I got a text message. I leaned over […]