Kylee Ann

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I love blogs. I love reading them, writing them, sharing them, designing them, etc. I’ve kept a personal blog since I was a freshman in college and throughout our married lives, but more recently I’ve been blogging through this photography blog. I’m not the best writer, but I like to get my thoughts out. I also like to connect to all my clients and followers. 

So if you read yesterday’s post, you know that it was my second anniversary. My husband wrote a blog for me. (POSTED BELOW) I love this for so many reasons.

My husband doesn’t like or use social media. Clearly, I am quite the opposite. I love blogging and use social media all the time for business and personal use. So after he got over his hatred for blogging and social media, he created his own blog. It wasn’t just any ol’ blog though. He personalized it with a nice road background and a title. The title being “Love of my life.” He even took the time to dowload and upload pictures. This was thoughtful, personalized, free, creative, funny, sweet and just all around perfect. He totally wins best anniversary present award, right?

Also, his blog got more response on Facebook than any of my blogs!!! I’m thinking of starting a segment called: Luke’s Corner. Do you think he’ll go for it? ;) Maybe I can convince him to be a guest blogger… or maybe just model for me. (Yeah right)

One and only (love and blog)

For all of you professional bloggers out there…don’t judge my pathetic attempt at blogging. 
Babe, you’re the bomb.
For those of you who know me – you know that I don’t like blogging. I’m traditional and prefer to keep my feelings and thoughts in a physical journal. Having it there gives me control over who has access to it. However, my beautiful wife is an amazing blogger and I find secret pleasure in reading all of her posts. She in turn loves reading other individuals blogs. So…Kylee…this is for you!
Every time a special day, like valentines day or our anniversary, I feel like I fail at being a husband. Kylee always does the most amazing things for me. They are all thoughtful and generally make my eyes water up. For example: This valentines day Kylee made me a box that had several of my favorite items in it with special little love notes attached to them. There was also an amazing card inside. I saw it all and felt ashamed. All I bought her was a picture….
Tomorrow (or today – since I am not publishing this until then) marks our two year anniversary. Words can’t describe how much I love Kylee and have enjoyed the last two years. A lot of people say that serving their missions were their best two years (which they were pretty awesome!)…but my best two years have been with my wife – no doubt about it. I decided to buy her a wedding band to accompany her ring. We have talked about it several times in the past and I felt it was time to take the plunge and have it made. I procrastinated and as a result my wonderful wife won’t have her wedding band and ring finished to open on our anniversary. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem – I would just go buy some more things for her to open until her ring was done. However, I have a bad habit of spending a lot of money when I do that – and this time Kylee made me promise not spend a single dime. Unfair, right? How am I suppose to make my wife have a meaningful anniversary when: A. I have nothing to give her on the actual day of…. and B. The item she will finally receive isn’t nearly as neat and thoughtful as what she most likely has planned???
As I sat contemplating what kind of craft I could make that had meaning – I came up blank. Then it hit me. I’m going to blog to the world about how awesome my wife is!!!!
Isn’t she beautiful? Even while carrying our precious son – my wife was the most attractive person in the world. I love every feature of her. Often times I give her a hard time in the morning about smelling like “Brody spit up and bowl movements” (not that she smells like this by nature – it’s a result of her awesome mothering skills and the time she spends taking care of our son at nights). The truth is – she couldn’t be more perfect. It adds to her amazingness (is that a word??) that she takes such good care of our son. 
Kylee drops the “I’m such a bad mom and wife” line far too much (it should never be said in her case). She thinks that she has to be this wonder woman wife while I am at work. To feel accomplished – she thinks she has to have the house sparkling clean and dinner done! The truth is – she is a wonder woman wife regardless of what the house looks like or if dinner is made. There are few things as important to me as having my wife stay at home and provide our son with the tender love and care that she does. Dinner and a clean house do not put a smile on my face – it’s my wife and son that bring the smile and make me happy.
It’s sometimes fun to ask your spouse “why do you love me?” and listen to their response. Kylee knows how much I hate that question – but she doesn’t know why. The reason is that that is the hardest question to answer! I get too confused! There is so much that I love about Kylee that I don’t know what to say. I trip over my words. I tell my single friends that the love you feel for your spouse can’t be put into words. The truth is that I don’t even know that I can THINK the words to describe how much I love Kylee.
I am so grateful that my wife and I are married for eternity. She is the wind beneath my wings. She is often times one of the biggest reason why I hold my head high during rough days. I love her now and always will. Happy anniversary Kylee, I love you!!!
P.S. I will never blog again.

March 13, 2013

Kylee Maughan

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