Let’s get that fancy camera that you’ve had for years now off of auto mode! Don’t have a camera? Find out the best equipment for beginners on a budget. Then learn how to use your DSLR to take better pictures of your kids, vacations and everyday life!
First, let’s talk brands
Brands are a personal preference. I started my photography career with Nikon and since have used Nikons, Canons and Sony. There are pros and cons to every brand and every camera, but you really can’t go wrong with any of these entry-level cameras! These are the least expensive dslr cameras you can find. They have great “auto” and “scene” modes for beginners, but also allow you to use manual controls as you gain more experience. All of these cameras come with a starter 18-55mm lens. It’s a great starter lens for everyday life. For more creative and quality shots you will want to eventually add to your collection.
Time for a lens upgrade?
If you’ve had one of the cameras above for awhile now and you still aren’t achieving the look you want, it’s probably time for a lens upgrade. As a beginner AND as a professional my favorite lenses are primes. A prime lens is a lens that does not zoom. It is just one focal length – 35mm, 50mm or 85mm are the most common. The smaller the number, the wider the lens. If you are taking photos in tight places like inside your home, the smaller the number the better. I prefer the 24 or 35mm distance best for photos of my family.
All of these prime lenses linked below have a wide aperture of f/1.8 which is very uncommon in zoom lenses. Right now this may just be weird jargon, but this is what makes that blurry portrait effect possible. The lower the “f/” number the better the blur effect. These lenses below are a great start to taking crisp, creative shots.
Where to Learn?
Let’s start with free. Because all of that ^^^ adds up. The best place to start is HERE on the KA Photog Blog or in the KA Community Facebook page. Scroll through the blog and facebook page, ask questions and find all the things you didn’t even know you didn’t know. ;)
I also have a very affordable Ebook for beginners and quarterly class for the locals.
I’ll be straight up with you. It’s a long road. There is so much to learn. And once you learn all of that, you open another door to so much more. Don’t be discouraged that your camera doesn’t make sense and you don’t know how to take a decent picture twice in a row. Just practice. Take deep breaths. It’s like learning a new language. Be patient. Take your time. Take your camera with you wherever you go. You’ll get it in no time.
Tips For Beginner Photographers + Mom Togs

Kylee Ann Maughan is a family and international brand photographer based in small-town Northern Utah. She has been a business owner for 13.5 years, and also runs a successful and award-winning associate team. Kylee hosts semi-annual retreats, speaks at conferences and teaches online courses about running a small business and marketing. Her niche in coaching is helping moms turn their passion into profit, while being the mom they dream of.
December 8, 2016
Kylee Maughan