Bohme Engagement Dress
I absolutely love these two and Lauren’s adorable Bohme engagement dress! These two met months ago on a popular dating app. Lauren took some convincing to even download the app but she did it so she could head on group dates with her roommates. As soon as she met Jack all her plans changed. They clicked from day one. Their first date was to Cold Stone! They had some fun first dates and they still joke about those days when Lauren was just so amazed to have so easily found such an amazing guy.
Tibble Fork Engagements
They knew things were going to get serious after they met each other’s families. Jack and Lauren have been dating for a long time now and I can say that I’m pretty sure these guys can finish each other’s sentences. They are best friends and it’s so clear that they are made for each other. He proposed last week by telling her they had a game night with friends. But when they got to the apartment there was candles and pictures of them everywhere. She was so soooo surprised and happy to say yes! They even had hidden cameras that filmed everything and they can show their future children! It was adorable!
Adventure Engagements
We headed up to Tibble Fork for engagements! It was an adventure like I’ve never had before. They hit it out of the park with outfits and I loved her Bohme Engagement Dress. Lauren got her makeup done at Pritchett Salon and she looked soo beautiful! Our shoot went so easy and we even finished early cause they were so good at all the poses. The adventure happened on the way down when we got stuck in a long line of traffic for 40 mins because there was a downed power line! Jack had goldfish in the car so we didn’t starve and we finally made it out alive!! Love these two!! I can’t wait to shoot their wedding this summer!!
View more of Rachel’s work here.
Andi Allred & Chase Debenham Engagements
Andi Allred & Chase Debenham Wedding
May 27, 2019
Kylee Ann Team