About Nicole Erickson I am so excited to be on the Kylee Ann Team! This is a place and position I have always imagined I would be in. It is so exciting for the timing to finally be right. I have always felt like my values have aligned with the Kylee Ann brand so, YAY! […]
God Cares about Your Business I know not everyone here is religious or even goes to the same church as me, so this title of this podcast might take you off guard a little bit. But today I am just feeling really inspired to say that I know God cares about your business. He cares […]
Most of my successful ideas, products and launches were done in a week’s time. Bringing on Rachel, starting a team of associates, launching 90 Days of Marketing. All were done so quickly, finished and launched before any sort of doubt had a chance to sink in. When I have an idea, I go for it […]
I teach photographers how to find their niche into small brand photography in my Brand Photography Course. I have been a photographer for nearly a decade, but niched into brand photography about three and a half years ago when I was pregnant with my third child. You can read the entire story here, but in […]
Be the FIRST to know when our Brand Photography Course launches. Sign up here. 1. More Consistent Income If you’ve been a photographer for awhile, you know that income can be very inconsistent. Every photographer has a “busy season” and a “slow season.” You have to great at managing your money! But even then if […]
I started as a “lifestyle photographer” shooting everything with people. For most of the last nine years, I was a wedding, family, birth, commercial and senior photographer. I did it all because I liked it all. I didn’t want to find a niche because everything lifestyle was exciting and connected me to new people. I […]
What it takes to make the new Kylee Ann team… My parents were entrepreneurs my whole life long. I’ve learned a lot from watching them. One lesson is that IF you can choose who to work with it is a privilege and a great responsibility. So choose people who make you better, who bring passion […]
These are the stories I hear on repeat when a business owner comes to me and says their business isn’t growing: “Ugh, there are so many newbies in town. They’re undercutting the industry and pushing me out”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “The Instagram Algorithm is ruining my business.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “People are too cheap in this town.” While all of these […]
Behind the Scenes of a Commercial Shoot | Before and After When you scroll through my commercial galleries, you would never know the chaos that is happening behind the scenes every single time. moms with their diaper bags, carseats and big kids moving from one side of the room to the other as I move […]
When I first started my business, I remember feeling sooo sick before every session. I would pray and pray before every session. Will I remember my settings?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Will I be able to pose them?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Will I be awkward? Will I be able to carry a conversation? Will I look at the back of my camera […]
Taken on a phone. Edited on a phone. Posted from a phone. Lightroom mobile presets have made content planning and consistent brand sharing easy and FUN!⠀ I released my INFLUENCER PRESET PACK last month with 18 of my favorite influencers!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Things to note:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ – Lightroom CC is free and available in Google Play and the […]
Supporting small businesses is more than just buying products or services. I’m sure you’ve seen the meme, but this is my favorite list of simple things you can do to support business on Instagram: + celebrate their success with them + like and comment on their photos + engage with their stories + remind them […]